Typeclasses - Ord

Posted on November 3, 2018

Let’s think about moods. Psychologists all agree there are only 5 real emotional states.

data Mood = Awful | QuiteBad | OK | Good | Great

Which one is better? Is Great better than Awful?

broken :: Bool
broken = Awful < Great


No instance for (Ord Mood) arising from a use of<
In the expression: Awful < Great
    In an equation for ‘broken’: broken = Awful < Great

These cannot be ordered! We need to implement the Ord typeclass (short for “ordering”) so that we can compare these values and sort them.

What will we need to do that then?

We can find out more by firing up ghci, the GHC repl.

You should see a prompt with the following:


Prelude is telling us that we’ve loaded the Haskell Prelude, a standard library of functions. Ord is part of that, so let’s get some info.

Enter :info Ord into the repl (and press enter). You should see something like this:

class Eq a => Ord a where
  compare :: a -> a -> Ordering
  (<) :: a -> a -> Bool
  (<=) :: a -> a -> Bool
  (>) :: a -> a -> Bool
  (>=) :: a -> a -> Bool
  max :: a -> a -> a
  min :: a -> a -> a
  {-# MINIMAL compare | (<=) #-}

This is a list of functions that the Ord typeclass implements. Looks like hard work. What’s interesting here?

Firstly - the Eq a => constraint means that we can only define an Ord instance for something that has an Eq instance. I guess if we can’t tell if two values are the same, how can we dream of putting them in some sort of order?

Secondly - the slighly cryptic {-# MINIMAL compare | (<=) #-} line is telling us that we can define Ord by either defining the compare or <= functions. Haskell can generate the other functions by using either of these ones. That’s great news because hard work is hard and we don’t want to do hard work.

data SuperMood = Worse | PrettyAverage | Fine deriving (Eq)

We’re auto-generating the Eq because why have a bad time. Let’s make our Ord instance.

instance Ord SuperMood where
    _ <= Fine = True
    Worse <= PrettyAverage = True
    _ <= _ = False

We’re implementing it in terms of <= as it returns a Bool which is more straightforward than the Ordering datatype that compare uses).

  1. _ <= Fine = True means that all values are equal to or less than Fine.
  2. Worse <= PrettyAverage = True means that Worse is less than or equal to PrettyAverage.
  3. _ <= _ = False means any other combination returns False.

Even though we’ve only implemented one function, since the others can defined using it we get all of them for free:

yep :: Bool
yep = Worse < PrettyAverage
-- yep = True
yep2 :: Bool
yep2 = Fine >= Worse
-- yep2 = True
yep3 :: Bool
yep3 = Fine >= Fine
-- yep2 = True
nope :: Bool
nope = Fine < Fine
-- nope = False

We also get to use any function that requires an Ord instance for free, like sort from Data.List, which has the following type signature:

sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]

This means “if you pass me a list of any a which is orderable, I can return you a sorted list”. Thanks!

import Data.List

moods :: [SuperMood]
moods = [Fine, Fine, Worse, PrettyAverage]

sorted :: [SuperMood]
sorted = sort moods
-- sorted = [Worse, PrettyAverage, Fine, Fine]

Great job!

Still seems like hard work though, can we auto generate this typeclass too? Yes!

data LazyMood = Sloppy
              | Ploppy
              | Poopy
              | Nicey deriving (Eq, Ord)

lazySorted :: [LazyMood]
lazySorted = sort [Nicey, Poopy, Ploppy, Sloppy]
-- lazySorted = [Sloppy, Ploppy, Poopy, Nicey]


Make sense? If not, why not get in touch?

Further reading:
