Typeclasses - Contravariant

Posted on November 17, 2018

Let’s think about Predicates.

newtype Preddy a = Preddy { getPreddy :: a -> Bool }

What the hell is this?

OK. So it’s a newtype. What is basically does is let’s us take some sort of value (here, any function from a -> Bool) and make a new type out of it so we can give it typeclasses and do magic shit to it.

So let’s say we have a basic function that takes a number and let’s us know whether that number is over 3.

threePred :: Int -> Bool
threePred i = i > 3


To put this into a newtype (our Preddy one, to be exact) - we do this:

overThree :: Preddy Int
overThree = Preddy threePred

The type has changed - the a in a -> Bool is Int so we get Preddy Int. We don’t need to specify the Bool anywhere because that’s sort of implicit in the Preddy-ness.

OK. I get it, you’re worried. My function is gone for ever. Can I get it out again? Sure.

isOverThree :: Int -> Bool
isOverThree = getPreddy overThree

threePred and isOverThree are completely the same thing. So now we’re comfortable this newtype thing is basically doing nothing awful to our code, what it is good for?

Oh yeah. We said earlier. Because Preddy is a datatype of it’s own we can make typeclass instances for it. Let’s make a Contravariant instance, for no other reason than this being the name of the post and we’re a long way into it without doing anything particularly useful.

What will we need for doing that then?

Prelude> :i Contravariant

If are typing along with all this and get an error, please skip to the bottom of the page for some useful links, however if you have the contravariant library floating around or are just happy to take my word for it then GREAT! You’ll see this:

class Contravariant (f :: * -> *) where
  contramap :: (a -> b) -> f b -> f a
  (>$) :: b -> f b -> f a
  {-# MINIMAL contramap #-}

The key thing to look when starting out is this MINIMAL part - as it means the only functions we need to worry about for the time being.

So, contramap is it. What does this do?

It takes a function from (a -> b) and then it takes an f b and returns an f a. Sure.


Are you out of your fucking mind? How do I turn b into a using (a -> b)?

Is this…a backwards functor? Can I implement undo on all my functions? Is the special magic Haskell sauce I’ve been waiting for?

So it turns out no.

nameLength :: String -> Int
nameLength ""      = 0
nameLength (x: xs) = 1 + nameLength xs

So a regular functor is actually a covariant functor which I guess means forwards functor. When we map over it, we changing what happens after it. Hence if I have a Maybe String and fmap a String -> Int function like nameLength over it I get a Maybe Int and all is well in the world.

However our pal Preddy, unbeknownst to him, is about to become a contravariant functor which sort of means backwards. What this means is if he’s waiting for an Int to see if it’s over 3, we can contramap that same String -> Int function nameLength over it, and instead Preddy is waiting for a String so he can tell you whether the String has over 3 characters. The map happens beforehand, basically. That’s how an (a -> b) function turns a Preddy b (predicate waiting for a b) into a Preddy a (predicate waiting for an a).

Seems weird? Sure. Let’s look at an example.

instance Contravariant Preddy where
  contramap f (Preddy p) = Preddy (p . f)

This looks a lot like fmap, except our new f function happens BEFORE the p function that is already in there.

nameLengthOverThree :: Preddy String
nameLengthOverThree = contramap nameLength overThree

Here we’ve turned our Preddy Int function overThree into a Preddy String function using a String -> Int function and contramap.

Let’s use it!

nameIsOverThree :: String -> Bool
nameIsOverThree = getPreddy nameLengthOverThree
-- nameIsOverThree "Lou" == False
-- nameIsOverThree "Doug" == True

Great! Now we can use it to see if words are Just Too Long.

All this wrapping and unwrapping seems a lot of work for that, but what if we start using contramap for more?

data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int } deriving (Show)

steve :: Person
steve = Person { name = "Steve", age = 100 }

lou :: Person
lou = Person { name = "Lou", age = 69 }

Here are Steve and Lou. They are, at least syntactically, people.

Let’s use mathematics to judge whether their names are too long.

personTooLong :: Person -> Bool
personTooLong = getPreddy personPreddy where
  personPreddy = contramap (nameLength . name) overThree

-- personTooLong steve == True
-- personTooLong lou == False

Excellent! That will show them.

You will note that here we’ve somewhat rushed and combined the contramap-ing and unwrapping into one function. This was mostly to show that when you come to use these things, it doesn’t need to be quite as laborious as our broken down examples above. Hopefully you can follow, the key thing is that (nameLength . name) means “put the value into name and the pass the result to nameLength”.

Contravariant doesn’t show up a huge amount on it’s own, but it comes into it’s own as part of Profunctor (lightning flashes, thunder, excitement!) which no doubt we’ll flop towards at some unspecified future moment.

Make sense? If not, why not get in touch?

Further reading:

The Extended Functor Family (video)


NOTE: If you happened to get this error:

<interactive>:1:1: error: Not in scope:Contravariant

…then you will need to install the contravariant package from Hackage. I’m not going to go into Haskell package management at this point but here is a good starting point: Practical Haskell - Getting Started. It’s all going to be fine, I promise. The documentation isn’t great but the tools are pretty nice.