Why The Hell Should I Care About Newtypes?

Posted on December 19, 2018

Good question. What are newtypes?

You see them in Haskell a lot. Here’s one.

newtype Dog a = Dog { getDog :: a }

We can make a Dog as a container for a thing (in this case, a String)

frank :: Dog String
frank = Dog "Frank"
-- frank == Dog "Frank"

Or we can unwrap it again and lose nothing along the way (this means the types String and Dog String are isomorphic in maths terms)

name :: String
name = getDog frank
-- name == "Frank"

In short, they are basically the same thing. Once compiled in fact, they’re exactly the same, so there’s no cost to all this, computationally.

itsTheSame :: Bool
itsTheSame = "Frank" == getDog (Dog "Frank")

So why do this?

Well, the nice thing about a newtype is that we can use it to pass data around with a bit more contextual information about what it means.

Let’s calculate a salary. That seems like a plausible thing to do with a computer.

calculateSalaryBad :: Int -> Int
calculateSalaryBad months = months * 1000

This function takes a number of months, and calculates how much this person should get paid, based on a salary of 1000 (of some unknown unit) a month.

But what happens if we give it an invalid number of months?

badAmount = calculateSalaryBad (-100)
-- badAmount == -100000

That’s crazy talk! Surely this weird minus payment will send even the most well-meaning of accountants into a spin.

Let’s improve it a bit by checking if the number is negative.

calculateSalaryBetter :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> Maybe a
calculateSalaryBetter i = if i < 0
                        then Nothing
                        else Just (i * 1000)

Note that we’re introducing the Ord typeclass here, as we need to compare amounts. We don’t mind what a is as long as it is both a valid number (ie, in the Num typeclass) and is orderable (ie, the Ord typeclass).

So now if we try this on a stupid amount, we get Nothing

safeAmount = calculateSalaryBetter (-100)
-- safeAmount = Nothing

OK. Good stuff. That should stop the accounts department crying into their sensibly priced but ultimately unsatisfying packed lunches.

The thing is, when we run this, we get this Just wrapped around things.

anAmount = calculateSalaryBetter 12
-- anAmount == Just 12000

This is fine in isolation, but if we wanted to do a lot of calculations here we don’t want to be wrapping and unwrapping Maybe values all over the place. It means mixing up our validation logic with our actual business logic or whatever, and that’s Bad.

What about a nice newtype solution?

newtype PositiveNum a = PositiveNum { getPositiveNum :: a } deriving (Eq, Show)

Nothing to write home about so far, but the trick here is that Haskell allows us to export the type PositiveNum but not the constructor PositiveNum. That means that instead we can provide a function for making a PositiveNum that does some validation. This means that, outside our module itself, there is no way to create a PositiveNum that doesn’t make sense.

makePositiveNum :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> Maybe (PositiveNum a)
makePositiveNum i
    | i < 0 = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just (PositiveNum i)

It comes wrapped in a Maybe, sure, but only one. It can be used over and over without needing validation, and once it is available it can be unwrapped with a quick getPositiveNum.

num :: Int
num = getPositiveNum (PositiveNum 10)
-- num == 10

Great stuff.

Let’s make a nicer salary calculator.

calculateSalary :: (Num a) => PositiveNum a -> a
calculateSalary months = 1000 * (getPositiveNum months)

Pretty OK. Let’s bring it all together. First our library functions:

makePositiveNum :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> Maybe (PositiveNum a)
makePositiveNum i
    | i < 0 = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just (PositiveNum i)

zero :: (Num a) => PositiveNum a
zero = PositiveNum 0

We’ve added zero that just makes a default PositiveNum with a value of 0 here, to use as a fallback if the value is ridiculous.

Now we have a function for getting a PositiveNum for our number of months:

months :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> PositiveNum a
months i = fromMaybe zero (makePositiveNum i)

yes :: PositiveNum Int
yes = months 12
-- yes = PositiveNum 12

nope :: PositiveNum Int
nope = months (-12)
-- nope = PositiveNum 0

Which we can use as follows:

total = calculateSalary (months 12)
-- total == 12000

Nice. By pushing all of the validation concerns into the months function, our actual function is nice and simple and easy to understand. Also we have a nice re-usable tool, PositiveNum that can be used across our project everytime we need some guarantees about a value.

Bonus credit: Functor instance for a newtype.

We can treat newtypes like any other type, and create typeclass instances for them. For instance, we could create a functor instance for PositiveNum and do calculations inside it by mapping instead.

instance Functor PositiveNum where
    fmap f (PositiveNum i) = PositiveNum (f i)

This lets us change the value inside PositiveNum with an fmap function.

calculateSalaryClever :: (Num a) => PositiveNum a -> PositiveNum a
calculateSalaryClever = fmap (*1000)
-- calculateSalaryClever 2 == PositiveNum 2000

Or the same, but unwrap it afterwards:

calculateSalaryClever2 :: (Num a) => PositiveNum a -> a
calculateSalaryClever2 i = getPositiveNum (fmap (*1000) i)
-- calculateSalaryClever2 20 == 20000

That seems pretty OK to me. Anyway, that’s enough things, time for bed.

Make sense? If not, why not get in touch?

Further reading:

Newtype in Haskell Wiki

Newtypes aren’t as cool as you think