Typeclasses - Semigroup

Posted on January 3, 2019

Let’s think about things that can be put together.

Here’s two lists, combined into one big list.

list :: [Int]
list = [1,2,3] ++ [4,5,6]
-- list == [1,2,3,4,5,6]


What about two strings combined into one large excellent string?

string :: String
string = "Great" ++ " Stuff"
-- string == "Great Stuff"

Sure! Seems great. String is actually a List of Char so really that’s just the same thing happening twice there. So what’s Semigroup got to do with this? Semigroup is the generalisation of combining things together. How is it defined?


Prelude> :i Semigroup

…gets us…

class Semigroup a where
  (<>) :: a -> a -> a
  {-# MINIMAL (<>) #-}

So by the looks we can just define it with the <> function.

Therefore we could write our string concat function as "Great" <> "Job" or combine lists like [1,2,3] <> [4,5,6].

It doesn’t just involve putting sets of things together.

Maybe Semigroup

Let’s define our own datatype MyMaybe which you may notice is very similar to Maybe. The Semigroup instance can be used to combine two of them.

data MyMaybe a = Yeah a | Nope

What’s interesting about this one is that by insisting that the value inside is also a Semigroup, we can do some exciting multi-level combining.

instance (Semigroup a) => Semigroup (MyMaybe a) where
  (Yeah a) <> (Yeah b) = Yeah (a <> b)
  a        <> Nope     = a
  Nope     <> b        = b

Let’s see it at work.

nah :: MyMaybe String
nah = Nope <> Nope
-- nah == Nope


first :: MyMaybe String
first = Yeah "Totally" <> Nope
-- first == Yeah "Totally"


second :: MyMaybe String
second = Nope <> Yeah "Great"
-- second == Yeah "Great"


And the more interesting one…

both :: MyMaybe String
both = Yeah "Totally" <> Yeah "Great"
-- both = Yeah "TotallyGreat"

What happened here? We combined two MyMaybe values AND the String values inside them as well, without really putting much effort in whatsoever. Great job, Semigroup.

Sum Semigroup

We can also use this pattern to describe combining numbers. Integers, for instance, can form several Monoids. One is addition. Let’s build a newtype so that we can make a Semigroup instance.

newtype MySum a = MySum {
    getMySum :: a

Here is a Semigroup instance, it uses pattern matching to take the original values out, adds them together, them wraps them in another MySum instance.

instance (Num a) => Semigroup (MySum a) where
    MySum a <> MySum b = MySum (a + b)

We can create several MySum instances, and then combine them together with <>.

ten :: MySum Int
ten = MySum 1 <> MySum 7 <> MySum 2
-- ten == MySum 10

Or we could use the getMySum function in the newtype to unwrap it.

anotherTen :: Int
anotherTen = getMySum $ MySum 1 <> MySum 7 <> MySum 2
-- anotherTen == 10

(This is obviously quite an overwrought way to add 3 numbers together)

Product Semigroup

We could also combine numbers by multiplying them together.

newtype MyProd a = MyProd {
    getMyProd :: a
instance (Num a) => Semigroup (MyProd a) where
    MyProd a <> MyProd b = MyProd (a * b)
sixtySix :: Prod Int
sixtySix = MyProd 11 <> MyProd 2 <> MyProd 3
-- sixtySix = Prod 66
anotherSixtySix :: Int
anotherSixtySix = getMyProd $ MyProd 11 <> MyProd 2 <> MyProd 3
-- anotherSixtySix = 66

So, yes.

Hopefully you get the idea of what’s going on here. A Semigroup is a nice way of describing things we can smash together, and it becomes even better when we extend it into Monoid, that gets us a load of Foldable stuff for free. We’ll come to that soon…

Make sense? If not, why not get in touch?

Further reading:
