Typeclasses - Monoid

Posted on January 4, 2019

In an exciting previous episode, we talked about the Semigroup type class that is used for smashing two things together.

Today we’re going to talk about the Monoid typeclass, which is a way of generalising a collection of things that can be combined together. Seems very similar, but the important difference between combining two things, and combining any number of things, is that that number of things might be zero things.

Therefore as well as the append function <> we will need a way of expressing what no items looks like. Seems weird? Yeah, it kind of is. Some examples may help.

Combining Lists

We need to combine a List of other List values, and we’re all functional programmers, so let’s go ahead and make a function for doing that.

combineList :: [[a]] -> [a]
combineList (a:as) = a ++ (combineList as)

If we use it on an actual value, then great job.

great :: [Int]
great = combineList [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
-- great == [1,2,3,4,5,6]

But what about if we use it on an empty list?

error :: [Int]
error = combineList []

Ahh shit! We get this:

uncaught exception: PatternMatchFail

That’s not great. Looks like we’re going to need an empty value to use for empty lists.

combineList1 :: [[a]] -> [a]
combineList1 [] = []
combineList1 (a:as) = a ++ (combineList1 as)
ok :: [Int]
ok = combineList1 []
-- ok == []

So here the empty value is [] - and having this value is what means we have a Monoid as well as a Semigroup.


What does ghci say about Monoid?

Prelude> :i Monoid
class Semigroup a => Monoid a where
  mempty :: a
  mappend :: a -> a -> a
  mconcat :: [a] -> a
  {-# MINIMAL mempty #-}

OK. So firstly, whatever we want to make a Monoid must also be a Semigroup.

(Incidentally, the terminology of the relationship between these two is that Semigroup is a superclass of Monoid, meaning anything that is a Monoid is also a Semigroup. Conversely Monoid is a subclass of Semigroup. You’ll notice many of these relationships amongst Haskell classes, like between Eq and Ord, and between Functor and Applicative. More words! More confusion! Great!)

Secondly, the only function we need to define (because of MINIMAL) is mempty - which defines our empty element (we also need mappend, but this is the same as <> and is supplied by our Semigroup unless we have a burning desire to write another one).

Therefore, if we take a Semigroup and plop an mempty function on it too we can have a Monoid. Clear as mud!

More about mempty

The important test for this mempty value is that when we mappend it onto our Monoid it does nothing whatsoever.

Here’s an empty element for List

emptyList :: [Int]
emptyList = []

…and here it combined with another List and achieving absolutely nothing.

addNothing :: [Int]
addNothing = [1,2,3] ++ emptyList
-- addNothing == [1,2,3]

Defining a List Monoid

So we need to make a List Monoid then? 1. An operation called mappend for combining two values - here ++ will do the trick. 2. An empty value called mempty - here we would use [].

Here goes:

instance Semigroup [a] where
  a <> b = a ++ b

instance Monoid [a] where
  mempty = []

Great stuff!

We get mconcat for free

Once we’ve defined that, we get mconcat (or rather our nice combineList1) for free! All it does is a fold, starting with mempty and then applying mappend to each element in the list. Great!

Combining Numbers

The empty element is interesting on our number Semigroup instances from before too.

Addition works like this, with an empty element of 0.

newtype MySum a = MySum {
    getMySum :: a

instance (Num a) => Semigroup (MySum a) where
    MySum a <> MySum b = MySum (a + b)

instance (Num a) => Monoid (MySum a) where
    mempty = MySum 0

ten :: Int
ten = getMySum $ MySum 1 <> MySum 7 <> MySum 2
-- ten == 10

Why zero? Because adding 0 to a number does nothing!

Multiplication is not the same though.

newtype MyProduct a = MyProduct {
    getMyProduct :: a

instance (Num a) => Semigroup (MyProduct a) where
    MyProduct a <> MyProduct b = MyProduct (a * b)

instance (Num a) => Monoid (MyProduct a) where
    mempty = MyProduct 1

sixtySix :: Int
sixtySix = getMyProduct $ MyProduct 11 <> MyProduct 2 <> MyProduct 3
-- sixtySix == 66

Here the mempty value must be 1, because multiplying anything by 1 changes nothing.

So What Does It All Mean?

This all seems a lot of work to get a free mconcat function, but the Monoid typeclass really comes into it’s own when used with stuff like Foldable. Just by adding this empty value we get a hell of a lot more “for free”, as such.

Make sense? If not, why not get in touch?

Further reading:

Data.Monoid on Hackage

5 minutes to Monoids

Monoids tour on School of Haskell