Typeclasses - Bifunctor

Posted on January 13, 2019

Let’s talk about things that could be one thing, or indeed could be another thing altogether.

data Things a b = This a | That b

This could be a This with an a inside, like a String.

thisEgg :: Things String Int
thisEgg = This "Egg"

Or indeed a That with a b inside, like an Int.

thatNumber :: Things String Int
thatNumber = That 68

Now hopefully you are now thinking - “Oh please, I do hope we map a function over one of these values soon” - and worry not, we absolutely bloody can.

Mappity Mappity Map

Let’s really push the boat out, and add one to the value inside.

First we’ll need a Functor instance. Hopefully nothing too surprising here.

instance Functor (Things a) where
  fmap f (That b) = That (f b)
  fmap _ (This a) = This a

Now we can map away to our heart’s content:

biggerNumber :: Things String Int
biggerNumber = fmap addOne (That 68)
-- biggerNumber == That 69


But what about `This “Egg”``? I’d like to get at that egg. Perhaps eat it.

eat :: String -> String
eat s = "The " ++ s ++ " was delicious!"

Can we do that with Functor?

doesntWork :: Things String Int
doesntWork = fmap eat thisEgg
-- ERROR: Couldn't match type ‘[Char]’ with ‘Int’

I’m afraid not. Looking back at our Functor instance we can see that the fmap function only lets us map over the values inside That, leaving poor This and our lonely egg very much map-less. But fear not! We have another weapon at hand that will let us get at it.


(cue lightning, thunder, explosions and sounds of a large crowd who are clearly quite impressed).


Let’s ask ghci what’s up.

> import Data.bifunctor
> :i Bifunctor
class Bifunctor (p :: * -> * -> *) where
  first :: (a -> b) -> p a c -> p b c
  second :: (b -> c) -> p a b -> p a c
  bimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p a c -> p b d
  {-# MINIMAL bimap | first, second #-}

Ok. Three functions in here, and it looks like we can make something a Bifunctor by implementing instances of both first and second or just bimap.

Let’s take a look at them.

  1. first :: (a -> b) -> p a c -> p b c - this takes a Bifunctor that may contain some a and c values, and a function that turns an a into some sort of b. It then runs the function on the a value, turning it into a b value. Sort of like doing an fmap over the a inside This from earlier. Pretty nice. Tl;dr - it’s fmap but over the left value.

  2. second :: (b -> c) -> p a b -> p a c - this takes a Bifunctor with an a and a b and a function that turns the b values into c values. In the case of our Things datatype of This and That, this let’s us get at the That values, which we could anyway so big whoop. Tl;dr - it’s our pal fmap again.

  3. bimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p a c -> p b d - this takes a Bifunctor that may contain a and c values, and runs a function over both sides. It’s doing first and second at the same time.

OK. If you understand Functor there’s hopefully nothing out of the ordinary going on here. Let’s slop an instance together and get to work on that delicious egg.


Laziness dictates that we should define bimap because it is one function instead of two.

instance Bifunctor Things where
  bimap f _ (This a) = This (f a)
  bimap _ g (That b) = That (g b)

Seems fairly sensible hopefully. Let’s give it a spin.

delicious :: Things String Int
delicious = first eat (This "Egg")
-- delicious = This "The Egg was delicious!"

Hooray! Although we defined bimap we got first for free, and that egg was pretty nice.

We can still map over the right hand value too!

doesWork :: Things String Int
doesWork = second addOne (That 68)
-- doesWork == That 69

Again, nice.

Tuples, Pooples

Although our Things example is about sum types, we can also use it on product types like a Tuple, and use Bifunctor to mess with either value as we please.

twoThings :: (Int, String)
twoThings = (100, "Dogs")

Now, we could go ahead and show you first and second but I think you can work out what’s going to happen, so let’s go absolutely bonkers and race straight to bimap.

(but first, a helper function. Nothing untoward - it merely returns the first thing you give it and ignores the second.)

myConst :: a -> b -> a
myConst a _ = a

Now we can turn our Tuple into a bestselling novel.

oneBestSeller :: (Int, String)
oneBestSeller = bimap (+1) (myConst "Dalmations") twoThings
-- oneBestSeller = (101, "Dalmations")

I Bet You Did Not See That Coming.

For a bonus point, why not try and define first and second for Tuple types using bimap and myConst? Go on. You’ll have a great time, I absolutely promise.

That’s all, folks

So although helpful with Tuple and Either types, Bifunctor isn’t particularly mindblowing, but comes into it’s own when we combine it with Contravariant to make Profunctor. More on that in the future though!

Further reading:

The Extended Functor Family (video)
