Datatypes - Maybe

Posted on February 17, 2019

It’s one thing to understand typeclasses individually, but another to see them in context. This is the first in a series where we’ll look at some common datatypes and see how their instances of the main typeclasses act. We’re starting with one of the simplest, Maybe, and I hope this will help you get a feel for the way it acts. The plan is to move onto Either, List and then Reader, Writer and State.

It Really Meant Nothing, Frank

Let’s start with a definition. We have used deriving to auto-generate instances of the Eq, Ord and Show typeclasses as we don’t need anything special going on with them.

data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

As is hopefully apparently, Maybe can either be a Just with an a wrapped inside, or Nothing which holds no value.

noNinePlease :: Int -> Maybe Int
noNinePlease i
  = if i == 9
    then Nothing
    else Just i

noNinePlease 8 -- Just 8
noNinePlease 9 -- Nothing


Next we’ll define a functor instance for Maybe. Essentially, if there is a value inside, let’s run the provided function over it, and if not, return the same Nothing.

instance Functor Maybe where
  fmap f (Just a) = Just (f a)
  fmap _ Nothing  = Nothing

fmap (+1) (Just 1) -- Just 2
fmap (+1) Nothing  -- Nothing


The applicative instance for Maybe has two functions, pure and <*> (also called ap). We use pure to define a default instance of the datatype, so we just take the value and wrap it in Just. The <*> function is used to apply a function inside a Just to a value wrapped in another Just. Therefore, if either of those are a Nothing, that’s not going to work, so we return Nothing.

instance Applicative Maybe where
  pure a = Just a
  (Just f) <*> (Just a) = Just (f a)
  _        <*> _        = Nothing

pure 1                -- Just 1
Just (+1) <*> Just 1  -- Just 2
Just (+1) <*> Nothing -- Nothing


The monad instance for Maybe has only one additional function, >>= (or bind). The most important thing in the Maybe case is that if we start with a Nothing, then we don’t bother doing anything, allowing the computation to be shortcircuited, as such.

instance Monad Maybe where
  (Just a) >>= k   = k a
  Nothing  >>= _   = Nothing

Just 1 >>= (\a -> Just (a + 1))  -- Just 2
Nothing >>= (\a -> Just (a + 1)) -- Nothing


The semigroup instance for Maybe is used to combine multiple Maybe values together. An important thing to note is the constraint Semigroup a - this means that for two Maybe values to be combined, the values inside must also have a semigroup instance, allowing them to be combined as well.

instance (Semigroup a) => Semigroup (Maybe a) where
  (Just a) <> (Just b) = Just (a <> b)
  Nothing  <> a        = a
  a        <> Nothing  = a

Just [1,2,3] <> Just [4,5,6] -- Just [1,2,3,4,5,6]
Nothing <> Just [1,2,3]      -- Just [1,2,3]
Just [1,2,3] <> Nothing      -- Just [1,2,3]
Nothing <> Nothing           -- Nothing


Notice that when a Just is combined with a Nothing, we still get a Just value. This is because Nothing is our empty element, meaning that when it is combined to any value it does not change it. Defining this upgrades our semigroup instance into an exciting Monoid.

instance (Semigroup a) => Monoid (Maybe a) where
  mempty = Nothing

mempty -- Nothing


Now carrying all these wrapped values around is great, but at some point we may want to extract values from these Maybe values, so we use foldable. Note the a in the Nothing version of the function - this makes the user of the typeclass provide a default value so that we don’t end up without a value for Nothing.

instance Foldable Maybe where
  foldr _ a Nothing  = a
  foldr f a (Just b) = f b a

foldr (+) 1 Nothing   -- 1
foldr (+) 1 (Just 10) -- 11


A good intuition for the Alternative typeclass is that it’s a like the or operator ||. Therefore it can be used to return the first out of a list of values that is wrapped in Just.

instance Alternative Maybe where
  empty                 = Nothing
  (Just a) <|> _        = Just a
  Nothing  <|> (Just b) = Just b
  Nothing  <|> Nothing  = Nothing

Nothing <|> Nothing -- Nothing
Just 1 <|> Just 2   -- Just 1
Nothing <|> Just 2  -- Just 2


Since we’re on a roll with defining typeclasses, let’s plop in a quick instance of MonadPlus, which is basically Alternative with a different name, with mzero replacing empty and mplus replacing <|>.

instance MonadPlus Maybe where
  mzero = Nothing

  mplus (Just a) _ = Just a
  mplus (Nothing) (Just b) = Just b
  mplus _ _ = Nothing

Nothing `mplus` Nothing -- Nothing
Just 1 `mplus` Nothing  -- Just 1
Nothing `mplus` Just 2  -- Just 2
mzero                   -- Nothing


The traversable instance for Maybe isn’t too unusual, if traverse is run on a Nothing it wraps a Nothing inside whichever Applicative it is used with (the pure function coming from the other type rather than from Maybe). If we traverse a Just value then the provided function f is run on the value inside Just which wraps the a in an applicative functor, and we then use fmap to make the value inside a Just.

instance Traversable Maybe where
  traverse _ Nothing  = pure Nothing
  traverse f (Just a) = fmap Just (f a)

traverse (\a -> [a,a]) Nothing   -- [Nothing]
traverse (\a -> [a,a]) (Just 10) -- [Just 10, Just 10]


The MonadFail typeclass hasn’t come up before, but it’s a very generic way of allowing all computations to fail in a similar way. The fail function has the type signature String -> m a. However because we cannot carry around any values inside Nothing we simply discard the String and return Nothing. The usefulness of this typeclass will become much more apparent with Either and monad transformer stacks. (what? - we’ll come to it…)

instance MonadFail Maybe where
  fail _ = Nothing

Just "yes" >>= fail -- Nothing

Just “a great job”

Anyway. This is quite a laborious post but I hope it is somewhat helpful. I intend to do similar ones for Either and List next. Please note these aren’t the same definitions as you’ll find in the Haskell Prelude, as I have tried to write them with an emphasis on clarity/simplicity. If you are a purist, or just bloody hate clarity, by all means check out the originals on Hackage.

If having skim-read this post you find yourself with strong feelings about it (positive or otherwise) I’d appreciate you shouting them at my face via the usual channels. It’s lonely out here in the bleak abyss of South East London.

That’s all.

Further reading:
