Datatypes - Either

Posted on March 17, 2019

It’s one thing to understand typeclasses individually, but another to see them in context. This is the second in a series looking at some common datatypes and see how their instances of the main typeclasses act. We started with one of the simplest, Maybe, and now we move onto it’s slightly more powerful cousin Either.

One thing or the other thing

Here is the data definition for Either. We have used deriving to auto-generate instances of the Eq, Ord and Show typeclasses as we don’t need anything special going on with them.

data Either a b
  = Left a
  | Right b
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

Whilst Maybe only had one type parameter, a, Either has both a and b. If we use the Left constructor, it holds an a, or the Right constructor holds a b.

Here, we are returning either a Left String with some harsh words, or a Right Int with a nice answer to an easy sum.

incrementOrTellMeOff :: Int -> Either String Int
incrementOrTellMeOff i
  = if i == 6
    then (Left "I hate the number six, why have you done this?")
    else (Right (i + 1))

incrementOrTellMeOff 1 -- Right 2
incrementOrTellMeOff 6 -- Left "I hate the number six, why have you done this?"


Next we’ll define a functor instance for Either. The important intuition here is that the function f that is provided will only be run on a value inside Right. Anything held in a Left will be returned untouched.

instance Functor (Either a) where
  fmap f (Right b) = Right (f b) -- run the function over Right
  fmap _ (Left a)  = Left a      -- ignore the function for Left

fmap (+1) (Right 1) -- Right 2
fmap (+1) (Left 1)  -- Left 1

The Functor typeclass is only allowed to affect one type parameter, so anything held in a Left will be returned untouched, so if we want to run functions over that, we’ll need…


This instance allows us to map over the left, right or indeed both sides of a datatype. We define it with the bimap function which takes a function for each side.

instance Bifunctor Either where
  bimap f _ (Left a)  = Left (f a)
  bimap _ g (Right b) = Right (g b)

bimap (+1) (+100) (Left 1)   -- Left 2
bimap (+1000) (+1) (Right 1) -- Right 2
first (+1) (Right 1)         -- Right 1
first (+1) (Left 1)          -- Left 2
second (+1) (Left 1)         -- Left 1

Just defining bimap also means we get the first function which just maps over the Left side, and the second function which just maps over the Right (so it’s basically fmap with another name).


The applicative instance for Either has two functions, pure and <*> (also called ap). We use pure to define a default instance of the datatype, so we just take the value and wrap it in Right. The <*> function is used to apply a function inside a Right to a value wrapped in another Right. However, if we hit a Left we return the first one immediately and stop computing.

instance Applicative (Either a) where
  pure a = Right a
  (Right f) <*> (Right a) = Right (f a)
  (Right f) <*> (Left a)  = Left a
  (Left a)  <*> \_        = Left a

Right (+1) <*> Right 1 -- Right 2
Right (+1) <*> Left 1  -- Left 1
Left 10    <*> Right 1 -- Left 10
Left 2     <*> Left 3  -- Left 2

Sometimes, this behaviour is not what we want as we might want to collect together all of the Left values rather than just the first one found. For this there is a variation on Either called Validation, which we’ll look at in future.


The monad instance for Either provides us with >>= (or bind). The behaviour is much like the Applicative above or indeed the Monad instance for Maybe - as soon as an error is found (ie, a Left) we return that error value and shortcircuit the computation, as such.

instance Monad (Either a) where
  Right a >>= k = k a
  Left e >>= \_ = Left e

Right 10 >>= \a -> Right (a + 1))      -- Right 11
Left "oh no" >>= \a -> Right (a + 1))  -- Left "oh no"


This semigroup instance for Either differs from the standard one in Data.Either as, like our Semigroup instance for Maybe it has a constraint allowing us to combine Semigroup values inside. I like this better, having nested Semigroup values all magically combining is very enjoyable to my mind.

instance (Semigroup a) => Semigroup (Either e a) where
  (Right a) <> (Right b) = Right (a <> b)
  (Left a)  <> (Left b)  = Left a
  (Left a)  <> b         = b
  a         <> (Left b)  = a

Right [1,2,3] <> Right [4,5,6] -- Right [1,2,3,4,5,6]
Right [1,2,3] <> Left 1        -- Right [1,2,3]
Left 1 <> Right [4,5,6]        -- Right [4,5,6]
Left 1 <> Left 2               -- Left 1


Sadly, because Either has two type parameters rather than Maybe’s one, we can’t have a Monoid instance as we won’t know which value to put in Left to represent nothingness. Oh well.


If we’d like to extract our value out of this Either context at some point we can use foldable. Note that we still provide a default a in the Left version of the function - the Left values might be a different type to the Right ones so there’s no guarantee they’ll be helpful in our fold, hence we still provide a default value.

instance Foldable (Either e) where
  foldr \_ a (Left e) = a
  foldr f a (Right b) = f b a

foldr (+) 1 (Left 10)  -- 1
foldr (+) 1 (Right 10) -- 11


For the same reasons that defining mempty is impossible for Monoid, we can’t define Alternative for Either because it’s just too messy. I’m sorry.


As I’m sure we all remember, MonadPlus is just Alternative with a more dynamic sounding name, so we don’t get this one either.


The traversable instance for Either is very similar to Maybe. If traverse is run on a Left it wraps said Left and it’s value inside whichever Applicative it is used with (the pure function coming from the other type rather than from Either). If we traverse a Right value then the provided function f is run on the Right values the same way in which they worked on Just. Note if we have several Left values, the shortcircuiting behaviour means we only get the first one back, shown here by using the sequence function (which is just traverse id, fact fans).

instance Traversable (Either e) where
  traverse \_ (Left e) = pure (Left e)
  traverse f (Right a) = fmap Right (f a)

sequence [Right 1, Right 2] -- Right [1,2]
sequence [Left 1, Right 1]  -- Left 1

If you are ever trying to turn a List of Maybe values into a Maybe List, or indeed turn any pair of Applicatives inside out, then sequence is probably what you are looking for. It’s magic, honestly.


It turns out MonadFail is quite fussy about things, and so because the e in Either e a can be a String, but might not be, we can’t define it. What a pain in the arse, all told.

Right, right, right, right.

Anyway, that’s some things. Tldr; Either isn’t too dissimilar to Maybe when everything is going well, and a bit different when errors start happening. Also, Either has way less instances than I thought, which was somewhat a relief I have to admit. I can’t decide whether to do List or something jazzier like Reader next, but it’ll be something like that. Please note these aren’t the same definitions as you’ll find in the Haskell Prelude, as I have tried to write them with an emphasis on clarity/simplicity (or indeed go completely off-piste with Semigroup.) By all means check out the originals on Hackage.

If having skim-read this post you find yourself with strong feelings about it (positive or otherwise) I’d appreciate you shouting them at my face via the usual channels. It’s lonely down here in the soupy bottom of this old council bin.

That’s all.

Further reading:
