Mr Migration

Posted on July 14, 2019

A few weeks ago I gave a talk at London Haskell that was basically an advert for a data migrating library I haven’t even finished yet. However, I managed on the whole to hide this fact and some people even came up afterwards and asked me how the library was performing in production to which of course I said “very well indeed, because of course i am very good at computers” and quickly changed the subject.

What follows is basically the crap from my slides, occasionally turned from bullet lists into sentences where I realised I had overused that particular presentation device a little much.

Sitting comfortable? Then we shall begin…

In The Beginning…

…we had server side applications.

  • If the code agrees with the DB schema…

  • Deploy!

  • Great!

Then Came Javascript…

  • Suddenly all our data was spread around the place

  • Things didn’t necessarily agree with one another

  • There was sometimes JQuery.

And at some point we land at

The Traditional Backend / Frontend Monolith

  • When the back end changes…

  • Change the front end too.

  • Deploy everything together

  • (did you forget to update the DB schema?)


  • Forget about the past

  • YOLO


What could possibly go wrong with this?

A relatable picture that was not in the presentation to break things up a bit.

Problem One

Company A have found that DB schema changes make changing the application more difficult than they would like. Therefore they choose to use event sourcing. As the application changes, the DB schemas keep up, but they are soon left with an event table full of various historical versions of JSON data.

  • What is this data? Do they still understand it?

Problem Two

Company B decide their code is so good that they are going to create a public API. Other companies decide to use this API, and annoyingly want it not to change at random. Therefore the API owners make promises not to change their API (even though they bloody love changing their API because they are 10x hackers who just can’t stop delivering business value).

  • How can they make changes to this without breaking everything?

Problem Three

Company C have noticed that large monoliths take ages to deploy. They would also like to decouple teams to maximise parallelisation of work. They adopt a microservice architecture. Suddenly, services that talk to one another aren’t guaranteed to have versions or interfaces that match, so a old service can be receiving requests from a very old service that hasn’t been updated.

  • How will they cope with communicating with any number of historical deployments?

A concrete example

Here’s a data type that we use in our business critical application. It is called OldUser, which we never really questioned at the time.

data OldUser
  = OldUser 
    { firstName :: String
    , surname   :: String
    , pet       :: String
    , age       :: Int

Business is going pretty well, I can’t imagine my meeting this afternoon will go badly…

Oh no!

A change in business requirements has been spotted.

Pivot immediately

Apparently we can increase profitability by 30% by using newtypes properly.

newtype Name
  = Name { getName :: Text.Text }

And replacing String selections of pet types with a more restrictive sum type.

data OldPet
  = OldDog
  | OldCat
  | NoPet

These changes took all night, but you really pulled through there.

data NewUser
  = NewUser
    { newFirstName :: Name
    , newSurname   :: Name
    , newPet       :: OldPet
    , newAge       :: Int

Great job.

Hold On Though

Business is obviously booming now, but what are we going to do about:

  • Third parties that will insist on using OldUser in their API calls for the next 18 months

  • Stored JSON data with the old data shape

What options do we have?

  1. As well as developing new code, we keep old code for dealing with the old data
  • This seems fine…
  • …till you’re fixing bugs in the old system too
  • Shit! More fixes! Now you’re got an new-old system as well as the new-new one.
  • More fixes again! Now we have a new-old-new-old system to maintain as well as your main one, which is a new-new-new system by now? It may have been superceded too. Oh dear.
  1. Or migrate the old datatypes to the new datatypes and keep one set of logic.
  • Logic stays in new code
  • Bug fixes in business logic happen once
  • Logic of migration separated from business logic

Decision time

If you choose Option 1, you are on your own. However, if you have chosen Option 2, read on…

Another picture of an angry business person.

Functions we will need: migrate

The first thing we’ll need is a function to convert our old terrible datatype into our new incredible exciting datatype, in this case OldUser to NewUser.

migrate :: OldUser -> NewUser

Actually. Let’s be realistic about this, and account for the idea that this operation could fail, as life is a bin.

migrate :: OldUser -> Maybe NewUser

Functions we will need: parse

We’ll also need some functions for decoding JSON, as I have made the somewhat brazen assumption this is a REST API that only receives JSON payloads. We’ll use functions from the Aeson library because it is reasonably ubiquitous.

This function will attempt converting some JSON into an OldUser

parseOldUser :: JSON -> Maybe OldUser
parseOldUser json
  = parseMaybe (parseJSON json)

And this very similar function will try and convert from JSON into a NewUser.

parseNewUser :: JSON -> Maybe NewUser
  = parseMaybe . parseJSON

Putting it together

We can then make a function that takes some JSON, and then tries to decode it into a NewUser. If it can’t decode it into a NewUser, it tries to parse it into an OldUser, and if that succeeds, it uses some sort of migrate function to turn OldUser into a NewUser.

Said function looks something like this:

parseSomeKindOfUser :: JSON -> Maybe NewUser
parseSomeKindOfUser json
   =   parseNewUser json
  <|> (parseOldUser json >>= migrate)

(The <|> operator comes from the Alternative typeclass, and works sort of like the || function. The intuition is try this OR try this)

Does it scale though?

It seems to do the job, with a couple of datatypes, however it’s easy to see how it could get out of hand…

thing = parse a
    <|> parse b >>= migrate
    <|> parse c >>= migrate >>= migrate
    <|> parse d >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate
    <|> parse e >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate
    <|> parse f >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate
    <|> parse g >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate
    <|> parse h >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate
    <|> parse i >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate
    <|> parse j >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate
    <|> parse k >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate
    <|> parse l >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate 
    <|> parse m >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate >>= migrate

So this method is a no?

I don’t think so. But writing all of that is a bit much. Hopefully right now you are asking “Why can’t I get the compiler to do this for me?”.

The compiler is your friend.

Good Point.

OK! Let’s give it a smash. We start by making a typeclass and using it to version tag our datatype.

class Versioned (label :: Symbol) (num :: Nat) where
  type num `VersionOf` label :: Type

(This VersionOf type here is an associated type family - a type level function that is scoped to only work inside the typeclass it is defined in.)

The typeclass defines a function we can use to find a datatype from the label and the num. For example, we can make a label called "User", and make OldUser version 1 of it:

instance Versioned "User" 1 where
  type 1 `VersionOf` "User" = OldUser

We’ll also define an instance for NewUser, and make that version 2 of it.

instance Versioned "User" 2 where
  type 2 `VersionOf` "User" = NewUser

Linking versions together

Next we make a typeclass for migrations that uses our VersionOf type function:

class Migratable (label :: Symbol) (num :: Nat) where
    :: (num - 1) `VersionOf` label
    -> Maybe (num `VersionOf` label)

It lets us define a function from the previous version of a datatype to the current one, so let’s use it to migrate OldUser to NewUser.

instance Migratable "User" 2 where
  fromPrevious :: OldUser -> Maybe NewUser
  fromPrevious older
    = Just $ NewUser 
              { newFirstName = Name (Text.pack (firstName older))
              , newSurname   = Name (Text.pack (surname older))
              , newPet       = readPet (pet older)
              , newAge       = age older
      readPet s
        | s == "dog" = OldDog
        | s == "cat" = OldCat
        | otherwise  = NoPet

Problem: Migrating from old JSON versions

Once we’ve defined instances of the Versioned and Migratable typeclasses for our data, the Data.Migratable library functions start doing helpful things. It provides a version of migrate function we defined concretely earlier, but with a much more exciting (confusing) type signature.

  :: earliest `VersionOf` label 
  -> Maybe (target `VersionOf` label)

It means “I can take the earliest version of label and Maybe return you the target version of label”. We use type applications to pass versions and a label to convert an old datatype to a new one.

oldToNew :: OldUser -> Maybe NewUser
oldToNew = migrate @1 @2 @"User"

Going from version 1 to 2 means we’ve just done a shitload of work for a single conversion, but the same function will recursively convert through as many versions of the datatype as you like:

veryOldToVeryNew :: OldUser -> Maybe VeryNewUser
veryOldToVeryNew = migrate @1 @100 @"User"

Solution: parseJSONVia

The Data.Migratable library also provides us parseJSONVia, with the following exciting type signature:

  :: JSON 
  -> Maybe (target `VersionOf` label)

We could use to try converting from both OldUser and NewUser like this:

  :: JSON 
  -> Maybe NewUser
  = parseJSONVia @"User" @1 @2

Underneath, this is doing our parse and migrate pattern under thge good

thing = parse @NewUser
    <|> parse @OldUser >>= migrate

A note on Type Applications

To understand how to pass the types to the parseJSONVia function, we need to look at the Schema typeclass that provides this functionality:

class Schema (label :: Symbol) (earliest :: Nat) (target :: Nat) where
  parseJSONVia :: JSON.Value -> JSON.Parser (target `VersionOf` label)

When we use it, we are passing it types in the order they appear in the class declaration.

parseJSONVia @"User" @1 @2

Therefore, we are passing the type-level symbol "User" as the first argument label, then a type-level natural number 1 as the starting version earliest, and finally another type-level natural 2 as the target version target.

Problem: Uniqueness checking

Uniqueness checking is another feature of Data.Migratable. Let’s say that we have this data type Info:

data Info
  = Info 
      { amount: Pounds }

Then, after another hard pivot, we change the units:

data NewInfo
  = NewInfo
      { amount :: Pennies }

In our static typed ivory tower, we are fine, but our clients keep sending us this:

{ "amount": 100 }

What is it? 100 pennies? 100 pounds? How can we stop this confusion?

Solution: Checking for duplicates with QuickCheck

Data.Migratable provides us with the matchAll function:

matchAll :: IO (Either [MatchError] [Integer])
  • It uses QuickCheck and it’s Arbitrary instances to generate random JSON values for each datatype

  • Then tries to load each generated value as each version of the datatype

  • And tells us how many version of a datatype each generated instance is able to decode

  • If it’s one each - we’re going to have a good time:

describe "Uses Arbitrary to generate said tests" $ do
  it "Checks if our datatypes will get confused" $ do
    found <- matchAll @1 @4 @"User"
    found `shouldBe` Right [1,2,3,4]
  • But if our JSON representations are non-unique, we’ll know:
describe "Our Pennies and Pounds schema" $ do
  it "Spots our problematic matching schema" $ do
    found <- matchAll @1 @2 @"Same"
    found `shouldBe` Left [Duplicates 1 [2,1], Duplicates 2 [2,1]]
  • And we can fix our data types to ensure uniqueness.
data Info
  = Info 
      { amountPounds :: Pounds }

data NewInfo
  = NewInfo
      { amountPennies :: Pennies }
  • Good job.

Problem: getting a FromJSON instance

The Aeson library works by making datatypes define instances of the FromJSON typeclass, and packages like Servant allow us to automagically create web servers that use these types. Can we still use all this good stuff?

Solution: FromJSON instance around a newtype wrapper

newtype APIUser
  = APIUser { getAPIUser :: WhateverTheNewestUserTypeIsTheseDays }

…and using parseJSONVia to create a FromJSON instance for that datatype…

instance JSON.FromJSON APIUser where
  parseJSON a
    = APIUser <$> parseJSONVia @"User" @1 @4 a

…we can make a Servant server that can read any of our historical datatypes.

type ExcellentApi =
  "user" :> Get '[JSON] [APIUser] 

Great job!

Problem: Mistakes in our datatypes

What if we make “mistakes” in our types - like removing a piece of data we later decide we need? Here is a first version of some data.

data Dog
  = Dog { name :: String
        , age  :: Int

instance Versioned "Dog" 1 where
  type 1 `VersionOf` "Dog" = Dog

This is the second version of the datatype, where we remove age.

data AgelessDog
  = AgelessDog
      { name :: String }

instance Versioned "Dog" 2 where
  type 2 `VersionOf` "Dog" = AgelessDog

Oops. We needed that. It’s back in version 3.

data WithAgeDog
  = WithAgeDog
      { name :: String
      , age  :: Int
      , tail :: Bool

instance Versioned "Dog" 3 where
  type 3 `VersionOf` "Dog" = WithAgeDog

However, this means any version 1 piece of data will convert through version 2 and lose everything on the way.

Solution: multiple import paths

Let’s change our declarations…

data Dog
  = Dog { name :: String
        , age  :: Int

instance Versioned "Dog" 1 where
  type 1 `VersionOf` "Dog" = Dog

instance Versioned "AgeDog" 1 where
  type 1 `VersionOf` "AgeDog" = Dog

(We’ve ignored the middle one for now - it is the same)

data WithAgeDog
  = WithAgeDog
      { name :: String
      , age  :: Int
      , tail :: Bool

instance Versioned "Dog" 3 where
  type 3 `VersionOf` "Dog" = WithAgeDog

instance Versioned "AgeDog" 2 where
  type 2 `VersionOf` "AgeDog" = WithAgeDog

Then our parsing function becomes (something like)

parseSomeKindOfDog :: JSON -> Maybe WithAgeDog
parseSomeKindOfDog json
  =  parseJSONVia @"AgeDog" @1 @2 json
 <|> parseJSONVia @"Dog" @1 @3 json

How does it work?

  • First, we try the lossless path

  • Failing that, we try the lossy path to pick up any AgeLessDog values.

OK. Sum up what you’ve said and stop selling me your crappy non-existent library

So hopefully, this technique should let you:

  • Define migrations outside the main logic code, throw those into a file and forget about them forever until the next migration.

  • Use simple ADTs for my types if one feels like it.

  • Avoid historical code making new code more complicated.

But does it work?

Who knows? See the code at and decide for yourself. I mean, the tests pass, but what does that really tell us.


After the talk, somebody suggested that it’s all very well accepting old JSON data version in an API, but really you’d need to provide the response in the old format too. This was a really annoyingly good point, so this is the next feature I am working on for the library - the plan so far is to create a kind of opposite of the Migratable typeclass for responses, that goes from newer to older versions instead.