Free like pizza, not like jazz

Posted on September 7, 2019
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When I first started working at a Serious Software Place, I remember being very excited about the idea of testing things and dependency injection and purity and all such things. One day, I was spouting about this (presuming, I suppose, that everybody else was also so new to and thus enamoured with the topic), as well as these Functors I had been reading about, and one of the more senior engineers said, “Well (raises eyebrows suggestively)…you’re going to LOVE Free Monads!”.

Now, many people that know me would agree I am a fairly jaded man, but I have to admit that even my interest was piqued. However, it’s taken me absolutely fucking ages to work out what they are and how they relate to this original promise, and I think they do, just not how I thought.

The Intuition For Free Monads

So, the thing that took me the longest time to lose was this assumption I had made that a Free Monad was a wild monad, from the edges of abstract math. It’s Ornette Coleman! It’s John Zorn! It’s a saxophone played with a hoover! It can do anything, at any time! Needless to say, this was a very exciting idea, so I set out to read about, framing everything I read with this wild (but admittedly very attractive) mis-assumption. Needless to say, I was very confused and wasted a lot of time that I could have spent doing fun things instead.

The reality is that the Free in Free Monad is not free like “jazz” or “thinking”, but free as in “pizza, at a tech meetup, knowing that of course the real price is listening through the following recruitment messages”. They are still very good, but (in my humble opinion, etc), not half as fun as I had originally promised myself they would be.

With this crushing piece of disappointment aside, let’s look at what they actually are.

Dogs Disguised As People By Way Of Wearing A Coat And Hat

Bear with me here.

Let’s start with the idea of a Functor. If this is confusing to you I have written a vague explanation and so have much more competent people which are probably worth digesting before we go on.

A functor is a data structure which contains some other data, and we can “map over” the data inside it to change that without fucking up the functor itself. For example, we can use the map function on a Maybe value, and it will change the a on a Just, and do nothing on Nothing.

data Maybe
  = Just a
  | Nothing

fmap (+1) (Just 1) -- Just 2
fmap (+1) Nothing  -- Nothing

Now, there is already a Monad instance for Maybe, and this means we can use do notation and all sorts of great stuff with it, like this:

-- get the first item of the first list
-- and the first item of the second list
-- and then smash them together using append
-- from their semigroup instance
  :: (Semigroup a) 
  => [a] 
  -> [a] 
  -> Maybe a
firstAndSecondCombine firstList secondList = do
  a <- first' firstList
  b <- first' secondList
  pure (a <> b)

-- helper that returns the first item of a list if it exists
first' :: [a] -> Maybe a
first' stuff 
    = case stuff of
        (x:_) -> Just x
        _     -> Nothing

Let’s try them with the Product monoid (which multiplies its contents together when combined), to satisfy ourselves that this function does a thing that we vaguely like and approve of.

This fails as it should….

nah :: Maybe (Product Int)
nah = firstAndSecondCombine [] []
-- nah == Nothing

…and this gives us an answer.

yeah :: Maybe (Product Int)
yeah = firstAndSecondCombine 
          [Product 10, Product 11]
          [Product 20, Product 5]
-- yeah == Just (Product 200)

(Isn’t Monoid such a nice thing?)

That Didn’t Mention Dogs Or Hats, What Gives?

Ahh shit, yes.


What if there isn’t a Monad instance? Or we want to write programs like this, but don’t want to commit to using Maybe? (or perhaps Maybe is TOO safe, and we want the option of throwing loads of exceptions instead). Could this be a job for…a Free Monad?

(note for readers with subtext disabled in their browser: yes)

OK. Let’s make a datatype that’s like Maybe, but isn’t.

data MoybeF a
  = Jost a
  | Nothong

Let’s make an instance of Functor for it to prove there is no funny business at hand.

instance Functor MoybeF where
  fmap _ Nothong  = Nothong
  fmap f (Jost a) = Jost (f a)

Map the f function over an a if there is one, if not, do nothing. Good?

Still No Dogs, What Gives?

Right. In this example, MoybeF is our dog. It’s a plain old functor that doesn’t really do anything except contain an a inside Jost, or contain nothing at all inside Nothong. What Free does for us (and by that, I mean Free from Control.Monad.Free) is gives us a coat to wrap about this Functor to let us use it like a Monad.

(In this tenuous analogy, the Monad represents a human adult, or at least some impression of one)

-- Free turns MoybeF (a mere functor)
-- into Moybe (a mighty monad)
type Moybe a = Free MoybeF a

(An aside: this metaphor felt a lot more powerful in my mind, but a cursory image search came up with a lot less than I had expected, and quite frankly this picture creeps me the fuck out).

You deserve better than this.

OK. So now, by use of the liftF functor from Control.Monad.Free, we can change any MoybeF value into a Moybe monad value instead. Let’s define some helper functions that do this:

-- lift a into the Moybe monad
jost :: a -> Moybe a 
jost = liftF . Jost

-- create an empty Moybe value
nothong :: Moybe a
nothong = liftF Nothong

Now, we can redefine our function from above to our our new exciting Moybe type too!

-- get first item (if there is one)
fFirst' :: [a] -> Moybe a
fFirst' stuff 
    = case stuff of
        (x:_) -> jost x
        _     -> nothong

(We could just have used liftF directly, and avoided the helpers, but this way hopefully we can see better how equivalent the two first' functions are)

Now, let’s remake our list smashing function from earlier using Moybe….

  :: (Semigroup a) 
  => [a] 
  -> [a] 
  -> Moybe a
fFirstAndSecondCombine as bs = do
  a <- fFirst' as
  b <- fFirst' bs
  pure (a <> b)

Hopefully, you can see it’s pretty much the same. But how do we use it? If we run fFirstAndSecondCombine [] [], for instance, what we get back is a MoybeF again. So what the hell use is that? I went to all of this trouble to create a Monad (admittedly as cheaply as possible) - but it doesn’t do anything!

Interpreting The Computation

So what is MoybeF? Essentially, it’s a data structure describing a monadic computation. Therefore, if we want to turn into something that does things, we need to interpret it.

Let’s turn it back into our original Maybe computation:

interpretMaybe :: Moybe a -> Maybe a
  = foldFree interpret
    interpret :: MoybeF a -> Maybe a
    interpret prog'
      = case prog' of
          Jost a  -> Just a
          Nothong -> Nothing

As you can see, we’re just substituting Jost for Just and Nothong for the inferior Nothing.

Now we can use our function to actually do things like before:

ans2 :: Maybe (Product Int)
ans2 = interpretMaybe (fFirstAndSecondCombine [Product 10] [Product 5, Product 20])
-- ans2 == Just (Product 200)

ans3 :: Maybe (Product Int)
ans3 = interpretMaybe (fFirstAndSecondCombine [] [Product 5, Product 20])
-- ans3 == Nothing

I See That Once Again We’re Doing Something Easy The Difficult Way

OK, fair point. Where is the value in all this indirection?

How about if we want to interpret this computation differently? Perhaps we need to return an Either instead? Changing the interpreter is pretty straightforward:

interpretEither :: Moybe a -> Either String a
  = foldFree interpret
    interpret :: MoybeF a -> Either String a
    interpret prog'
      = case prog' of
          Jost a  -> Right a
          Nothong -> Left "Nah, that didn't work"

ans4 :: Either String (Product Int)
ans4 = interpretEither (fFirstAndSecondCombine [Product 10] [Product 5, Product 20])
-- ans4 == Right (Product 200)

ans5 :: Either String (Product Int)
ans5 = interpretEither (fFirstAndSecondCombine [] [Product 5, Product 20])
-- ans5 == Left "Nah, that didn't work"

Is This…A Domain Specific Language?

That’s right. One of the main strengths of Free is in creating small little sub-languages for writing logic, that can be interpreted in a number of different ways (such as “what even is this doing?” and “i don’t understand this code”)

How Does This Relate To Testing?

So, this example is pointedly very simple indeed, and involve swapping one pure thing for another, but a much more common use of this pattern is to take some code that does effectful things (like save files, write to a database, etc) and write them in a way where they can be run in the program using IO, but then testing by turning them into something pure like Writer, and looking at the output.

Do You Have An Example Of Exactly That, Preferably Centered About Reading And Writing To A Terminal Window, Perchance?

Why yes, I do.

So ConsoleF is a Functor with two commands for input and output from a terminal.

data ConsoleF next
  = Write String next
  | Read (String -> next)

instance Functor ConsoleF where
    fmap f (Write s next) = Write s (f next)
    fmap f (Read next)    = Read (f . next)

We power it up into a Free Monad

type Console a = Free ConsoleF a

…and then we write our helpers with liftF

-- write to the console
fWrite :: String -> Console ()
fWrite str = liftF $ Write str ()

-- await user input
fRead :: Console String
fRead = liftF $ Read id

…then we write our program with it…

consoleProg :: Console ()
consoleProg = do
    fWrite "What is your name?"
    a <- fRead
    fWrite $ "Sure? " ++ a
    b <- fRead
    fWrite "Great."

…then we interpret in IO to make a working program…

interpretIO :: Console a -> IO a
  = foldFree interpret
    interpret :: ConsoleF a -> IO a
    interpret prog'
      = case prog' of
          Write s a -> Prelude.putStrLn s >> pure a
          Read a    -> a <$> Prelude.getLine

…then we interpret it in Writer for testing…

interpretWrite :: Console a -> Writer [String] a
interpretWrite = foldFree interpretConsoleWrite
    interpretConsoleWrite prog'
      = case prog' of
          Write s a -> do
            _ <- tell [s]
            pure a
          Read a -> do
            _ <- tell ["[wait for input]"]
            pure (a "[user input]")

…run it…

output :: [String]
output = (snd . runWriter . interpretWrite ) consoleProg
-- output == ["What is your name?","[wait for input]","Sure? [user input]","[wait for input]","Great."]

…and we go home for a nice sit down.

Isn’t This The Point Of Typeclasses?

Aye, some would say so. But what’s the point of Haskell if there isn’t 10 ways of doing the same thing, and endless bloody fights to the death about the minor differences between them?

The thing that finally made all this click for me was this video by Nate Faubion. Once I did understand it wasn’t about jazz, this by Matt Parsons was really great too.