Contract testing with Quickcheck

Posted on February 22, 2020

Hello. I hope you are well. Over the last few months I have been trying out a method for generating Contract Tests between services using Arbitrary instances from Quickcheck which I thought it might be good to share. It’s not particularly clever, which is partially what I like about it, and as a result I may not have been the first to come up with it. If I have therefore somewhat stolen your thunder please accept my apologies in advance and then maybe do some reading around SEO.

What is Contract Testing anyway?

Contract Testing is a way of checking that two services that are going to communicate agree on what is going to be sent and received between the two. There is a good intro to the concept on the Pact website - which is itself a contract testing tool. It is a good tool - HOWEVER it takes a lot of work and I am lazy so there what I am going to describe is hopefully less work.

For example, a frontend says “I am going to call /users/horse/1000 - is that cool?” and the contract test confirms that the backend is indeed “cool” with that, shows what kind of thing it would return from that call, to which the frontend confirms it is also “cool” with that.

This is the agreement between the services probably looked like.

What is Quickcheck?

Quickcheck is a Haskell library that does a thing called Property Testing. It has since been ported to many other languages. A nice intro lives here at School of Haskell - the tldr is that it lets us test properties about our programs by randomly generating examples and seeing if they fit rules that we define.

So, what is your so-called idea then?

OK. So one of the main concepts behind QuickCheck is the Arbitrary typeclass. Any datatype with an instance of this typeclass is able to generate random example values that can be used for testing.

module ContractTests where

import Data.Aeson
import GHC.Generics
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary

data Horse
  = BigHorse
  | SmallHorse
  deriving (Generic, FromJSON)

instance Arbitrary Horse where
  arbitrary =
      [ pure BigHorse,
        pure SmallHorse

This datatype Horse describes the two kinds of horse, BigHorse and SmallHorse. As is hopefully hand-wavingly evident, when the arbitrary function is run it returns one of BigHorse or SmallHorse.

This is a horse.

If we can make one Horse, then surely we can make a load of them? Indeed! This is what the instance for List look like - the Arbitrary a => constraint means that if we can make any Arbitrary value, we can make a list of them.

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary [a] where

The Quickcheck library defines instances for most basic types, as well as most collections, therefore it is quite simple to build Arbitrary instances for our request and response datatypes - and that is exactly what we’re going to do.

An example

Let’s think about a nice simple API. It receives POST requests in JSON format that translate into a datatype that looks like this:

data APIRequest
  = APIRequest
      { name      :: String
      , age       :: Int
      , horseSize :: Horse

Assuming that the requests are OK, it returns a response shaped like this (again, sent over the wire in JSON format).

data APIResponse
  = APIResponse
      { weight :: Int
      , goodHorse :: Bool

These types are shown in Haskell, but the equivalent pair will also exist in the frontend, and it’s the compatibility between the two pairs that we will be checking.

Our testing is going to work like this:

  1. Our frontend will generate 100 example APIRequest values
  2. Each one will be turned into JSON
  3. Each piece of JSON is saved into a file
  4. Our backend will decode each piece of JSON and see if it makes sense
  5. If it does - great!

Then, for responses, we do the same thing in reverse:

  1. Our backend will generate 100 example APIResponse values
  2. Each one will be turned into JSON
  3. Each piece of JSON is saved into a file
  4. Our frontend will decode each piece of JSON and see if it makes sense
  5. If it does - great!

Essentially, a contract between two services is a complete set of these for each endpoint. In this article I will explain the Haskell part of this, and will follow with the front end portion in the next one.

These are all horses.

Creating the sample responses

We’re going to need to add some typeclass instances for our APIResponse type first, so let’s change it to the following:

import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary.Generic

data APIResponse
  = APIResponse
      { weight :: Int,
        goodHorse :: Bool
  deriving (Generic, ToJSON)

instance Arbitrary APIResponse where
  arbitrary = genericArbitrary

genericArbitrary is provided by the generic-arbitrary package which allows Arbitrary instances to be created for any datatype with a Generic instance. (For more intro on the idea of generics, the Hackage page is a good start.)

ToJSON is provided by Aeson, the excellent package for all dealings with JSON, and deserves a whole post of it’s own. For our purposes, all we need to know is that for any datatype with a Generic instance, we can derive a free typeclass for turning it to and from JSON.

The special sauce for all of this action is the generate function from Test.QuickCheck.Gen, which generates any number of values for a given Arbitrary instance. We use this with a bunch of other housekeeping functions to take these 100 items and turn them into 100 files. I have broken this down into a bunch of functions so that it’s hopefully easier to follow.

Firstly, a couple of helpers for adding index numbers to lists…

indexList :: [a] -> [(Int, a)]
indexList as = [1 ..] as

-- indexList ['A', 'B'] == [(1, 'A'), (2, 'B')]

…and creating a file path using said index…

createPath :: String -> Int -> String
createPath path index =
  "./" <> path <> "/" <> (show index) <> ".json"

-- createPath "output" 1 == "./output/1.json"

Next, we will make our functions for generating instances and saving them to files. This first function uses a Proxy (from Data.Proxy) to pass the type we would like to generate (as such). We have chosen 100 as it is as good a number as any.

getResponses :: (Arbitrary a) => Proxy a -> IO [a]
getResponses _ = generate $ vector 100

This next function takes our list of randomised values, turns them to JSON, and pops them in a Tuple along with an index.

listToJSON :: (ToJSON a) => [a] -> [(Int, BS.ByteString)]
listToJSON = (indexList . jsonifyList)
    jsonifyList = fmap encode

Finally, we put them together along with some glue code (using writeFile from Data.ByteString.Lazy) to save the generated JSON files.

contractWrite ::
  (ToJSON a, Arbitrary a) =>
  Proxy a ->
  String ->
  IO ()
contractWrite arbType srcPath = do
  let saveFile = \path (index, json) ->
        BS.writeFile (createPath path index) json
  responses <- listToJSON <$> (getResponses arbType)
  mapM_ (saveFile srcPath) responses

To use it with our datatype, we use a Proxy as such to pass it the type we want (in our case, APIResponse, but the same code will work for any type with Arbitrary and ToJSON instances)

contractWriteAPIResponses :: String -> IO ()
contractWriteAPIResponses srcPath =
  contractWrite (Proxy :: Proxy APIResponse) srcPath

If we crack this open in ghci we can run contractWriteAPIResponses "sample", and it will create files called 1.json, 2.json (up to 100.json) in the sample folder in the current working directory.

Our frontend tests can now read these and make sure that they understand them. But how do we make sure our backend understands the front end requests?

I am feeling bad about how many words there are.

Reading the sample requests

Assuming that our front end has also created some sample requests in a similar fashion, reading them and checking they are decodable is a simpler affair.

Given a path that points to a folder full of 100 json files, we can write code to attempt to read them. We are reusing the createPath function from above, but other than, this should do it.

This function takes a Proxy for our decoding type, a path and an index, and tries to decode the file it finds.

testFile :: FromJSON a => Proxy a -> String -> Int -> IO (Maybe a)
testFile _ path i = do
  str <- BS.readFile (createPath path i)
  case eitherDecode str of
    Left e -> putStrLn (show e) >>= \_ -> pure Nothing
    Right b -> pure (Just b)

Here we take a path to the folder full of files and attempt to read 100 numbered .json files in it.

contractRead :: FromJSON a => Proxy a -> String -> IO Int
contractRead arbType srcPath = do
  maybeFound <- mapM (testFile arbType srcPath) [1 .. 100]
  pure $ length $ catMaybes maybeFound

And here we put it all together using our APIRequest type.

contractReadAPIRequest :: String -> IO Int
contractReadAPIRequest srcPath =
  contractRead (Proxy :: Proxy APIRequest) srcPath

Cracking open ghci and running contractRead "sample" will attempt to read 100 numbered .json files in the sample folder.

Digression 1.

Note we have used a Proxy type here to pass the type around. An alternative way to do this could be a mixture of TypeApplications and ScopedTypeVariables but in the spirit of #simplehaskell we’ll avoid them.

Digression 2.

Whilst preaching simplicity, it seems enjoyably hypocritical to point out in the same breath that we needn’t have made a standalone instance of arbitrary each time, and it’s actually a great opportunity to crack open DerivingVia.

An alternative method could looks something like this, and save up to 15 characters per datatype.

-- this newtype can derive Arbitrary via Generic, so we use Deriving Via to
-- steal it's powers!
newtype GenericArb a
  = GenericArb {getGenericArb :: a}
  deriving (Generic)

instance (Generic a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (GenericArb a) where
  arbitrary = genericArbitrary

data APIRequest2
  = APIRequest2
      { name2 :: String,
        age2 :: Int,
        horseSize2 :: Horse
  deriving (Generic, FromJSON)
  deriving (Arbitrary) via (GenericArb APIRequest2)

data APIResponse2
  = APIResponse2
      { weight2 :: Int,
        goodHorse2 :: Bool
  deriving (Generic, ToJSON)
  deriving (Arbitrary) via (GenericArb APIResponse2)

Make sense?

No. Thought not. Regardless, I’ll follow up with how to great the front end part. I’ll be using Typescript because quite frankly if you understand this then doing it in Purescript isn’t wildly different.