Hello. In our last article we described how to generate test cases for contract
testing in Haskell. This time, we are going to look at generating the front end
portion of these in Typescript
. This will probably be a lot briefer because I
am a very lazy person at heart.
First, some rambling
The main differences with the type system of Haskell
or Purescript
to that of Typescript
is that typeclasses allow the types of things to affect
the code that is generated or used. That’s how a newtype
like Sum
can change the Monoid
function used to combine two values, even
though both are just Int
values underneath.
The same thing applied to our arbitrary
instances - we set a type, derived
the necessary instances, and then all the code was generated for us.
is different. Because all the type info is destroyed at runtime,
we have to create run-time (or value level
) descriptions of our types, and
then derive the types
from those. Make sense? No? Doesn’t really matter

Some datatypes
Fortunately, generating run-time validators and types for them is exactly what the excellent io-ts is for. It allows to create validators for our datatypes using runtime functions, but then also derive types from that. Let’s see an example:
import * as t from 'io-ts'
export const PetShape = t.type({
: t.string
export const UserShape = t.type({
: t.number,
userId: t.string,
name: t.array(PetShape)
type Pet = t.TypeOf<typeof PetShape>
export type User = t.TypeOf<typeof UserShape>
Here we have defined Pet
and User
and created validators for them both.
What does this mean?
const userJson = { userId: 1, name: "Frank", pets: [] }
const ok = UserShape.decode(userJson))
// ok == Right with a User type inside
const badUserJson = { blah: "dfgdfgdgf" }
const no = UserShape.decode(badUserJson)
// no == Left with an error message
This means that we can validate JSON we receive into our application and ensure
that when Typescript says we are talking about a User
, we really are.

Reading sample JSON
Therefore, hopefully you can work out how we’re going to check our generated backend responses from earlier.
import { either } from 'fp-ts'
import * as path from 'path'
import * as fs from 'fs'
// get array of nums 0...99
const rangeArr = [...Array(100).keys()];
// path to wherever our responses are saved
const outputPath = './responses/user/'
describe('Read contract tests', () => {
test('Write sample responses from files', () => {
.forEach(index => {
rangeArr// construct the path
const filename = path.resolve(`${outputPath}${index}.json`)
// read the file and turn it into a JS object
const file = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filename, "utf8"))
// assert whether it validates properly
}) })
This Jest
test loads each .json
file from a given folder and checks that it
decodes correctly with our UserShape
validator. If they do, then we know, at
least for this particular endpoint, that our frontend and backend agree with
one another.

Generating sample JSON
What has traditionally been a bit harder in Typescript
in generating
responses. Since we can’t use out types to inform which values are
made, we have to be a bit creative.
But that’s hard work. What if somebody else had already solved this and we could just piggyback off their great work?
Enter fast-check and io-ts-fast-check.
is a property testing tool for Typescript
. Essentially, for our
purposes, it’s QuickCheck
. io-ts-fast-check
is the secret sauce that says
“if you can give me a validator, I can generate you random values that satisfy
Therefore, we can use it to create our random front end requests, ready for our backend to decode and validate. Great!
import * as fc from 'fast-check'
import * as fs from 'fs'
import * as path from 'path'
import { getArbitrary } from 'fast-check-io-ts';
import { either } from 'fp-ts'
// this creates a fast-check `Arbitrary` from our `User` validator
const userArbitrary = getArbitrary(UserShape)
// this takes an output folder and an Arbitrary, and fills the folder with 100
// json example files
export const generate = <A>(outputPath: string, arb: fc.Arbitrary<A>) => {
.sample(arb, 100).map(a => JSON.stringify(a)).map((json, index) => {
fc// construct file path for saving the file
const filename = path.resolve(`${outputPath}${index}.json`)
// save that goddamn file
.writeFileSync(filename, json)
// example of use
generate('./requests/users', userArbitrary)

Great stuff!
Now we can read our sample requests into the backend and see that everything is fine. Running tests like this before each deploy of either front or back end service is a great way to make sure nothing will explode. Source code is available here if you can’t get it to do what you want for some reason.
Make sense? No? Yes? Let me know!