Property testing a content-addressed language

Posted on December 28, 2021
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So in the last post I quickly introduced the project I’ve been working on for a while called mimsa. The reason I did this was so that I could write this post about recently adding property tests to the language, and what was good/bad about that, so without further ado here are many words:

Tests in mimsa

So, for context, unit tests work as follows in mimsa:

  • We create a (broken) add function:
:> :bind add = \a -> \b -> a + b + 1
Bound add.
  • We create a unit tests that confirms that add is indeed broken:
:> :addTest "2 + 2 == 4" add 2 2 == 4
--- FAIL --- 2 + 2 == 4
  • We update add to a working implementation, and now the test passes:
:> :bind add = \a -> \b -> a + b
Updated binding of add.
+++ PASS +++ 2 + 2 == 4 

What is really neat is that what looks like one test being run twice is actually two tests being run once each.

Why? The reason is immutability - once the first test is created it can’t be changed. It also doesn’t need re-running - it always has the same arguments, and it’s only dependency, the original add function, never changes, so the test stands as a static assertion of the behaviour of said function.

And where does the second test come from? When we bind a new version of add, it stands to reason we might want to run the same tests on it, therefore a new copy of any test is created that uses the new add function as it’s dependency.

A really nice property of testing in this way is that we could also make it run in reverse. If I add another test to the new add function there is no reason not to auto-create versions of it for the old add bindings too. This is super helpful when finding a new regression, as we can write a new test for old code to find out when said regression occurred, a sort of super-powered git bisect. I say could here because I have not done this yet because I am lazy.

Property testing, a recap

Property testing is a kind of testing where instead of confirming our code works against known good values we confirms that it obeys certain rules.

A non-property test could be add 2 2 == 4 - we know this should be the answer because we have checked on a calculator that 2 + 2 does indeed equal 4.

A property test might be add 0 a == a, given any a. When this is run by quickcheck or fast-check the property testing framework will run the test with loads and loads of different values for a, and return all the ones that break it (in this case, none of them). If the tests all pass then we know the property adding zero to a number returns the same number holds.

Property testing is very useful for finding edge cases in functions, and used well, can be a lot more thorough than unit tests, for not a lot more effort.

The current implementation

For a unit test to be valid in mimsa, it must have the type Boolean (There is a lot wrong with this, as it doesn’t let you see what went wrong, but we can’t just go around making things “good” all the time).

Therefore this are the simplest possible tests:

:> :addTest "true" True
+++ PASS +++ true

:> :addTest "false" False
--- FAIL --- false

To make a property test, we provide an expression with the type something -> Boolean, like:

:> :addTest "or true is always true" \bool -> or bool True
+++ PASS +++ or true is always true

What’s happened here?

The mimsa typechecker has inferred that bool must be a Boolean, generated a big bucket of booleans, and then checked that each time or bool True == True. This returns True everytime so the test passes.

The or function has type Boolean -> Boolean -> Boolean and looks something like \a -> \b -> if a then True else b. It is similar to the || operator in most programming languages.

Let’s try another:

:> :addTest "and true is always true" \bool -> and bool True
--- FAIL --- and true is always true
Failing inputs:
 - False

This property test has failed, and it’s telling us that when you pass False to the test function, it does not return True. The and function here is equivalent to &&, so this makes sense, as False && True equals False.

As the input is a Boolean there are only two inputs, and the mimsa property test generates 1000 sample inputs, it’s fairly likely we’ll get both a False and a True input.

Breaking it

However, it’s not too difficult to make a less definitive test:

:> :bind flakyTest = 
  \val -> match val with 
    (Just (Just (Just (Just True)))) -> False 
  | _ -> True
Bound flakyTest.

:> :addTest "Flaky" flakyTest
+++ PASS +++ Flaky

:> :addTest "Flaky 2" flakyTest
--- FAIL --- Flaky 2
Failing inputs:
 - Just (Just (Just (Just True)))

Because the input type here would be Maybe (Maybe (Maybe (Maybe Boolean))) there are a lot of potential inputs, and it’s quite possible that Just (Just (Just (Just True))) is not amongst the generated values.

Another type of flaky test can be generated like this:

:> :addTest "flaky string" \str -> not (str == "dog")
+++ PASS +++ flaky string

It passes every time I have tried it, although as a statement it makes no sense - there is no string that equals “dog”. This kind of test is hard just because there are so many potential strings out there that a total search of the space is close to impossible.

The problems / solutions

Simple tests could be non-deterministic and aren’t:

\bool -> and bool True

This could be two unit tests that are run once and never again, however as a property test it must be run over and over. This is the least of the problems but worth mentioning.

Complex finite tests become flaky

\val -> match val with
    (Just (Just (Just (Just True)))) -> False
  | _ -> True

Given that a Maybe is either Nothing or the value inside, and Boolean can be 1 of 2 values, there are 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 == 6 potential inputs here. It doesn’t seem out of the question to auto-generate all the possible values here and run tests against them all. This would ensure a) the same results each time and b) that we could cache the results once and never run them again.

However, if the input type contains an Int, String, Array or any recursive type then generating a complete set of inputs is no longer practical.

A recursive type is one that contains itself. For instance, a linked list is defined in mimsa as type List a = Nil | Cons a (List a). The second List a argument to Cons means “and another list” so this datatype can grow and grow and grow.

String and number spaces just too huge

\str -> not (str == "dog")

Due to the way the mimsa web client works, we can’t really fall back to brute forcing an absolute shit ton of inputs for String and Int inputs. However, we have access to the AST when running the test. Would it be so terrible to add all of the string and number literals found in the expression into the test values? For instance, if we used the input "dog" above we’d find the breaking case immediately.

No more words

That is the end of the words. It’s a bit of a braindump, and pretty much only for my own benefit, but I hope it is perhaps vaguely interesting. Who knows?

Make sense? If not, get in touch!

Further reading:


