Compiling a functional language to LLVM, part 1

Posted on February 8, 2023

Recently I thought it would be good to start compiling the small functional language mimsa I’ve been messing around with for the last few years to LLVM. There’s a few really helpful resources - Joseph Morag’s Micro-C series, and Mapping High Level Concepts to LLVM IR in particular, but neither go into converting functional programming paradigms such as pattern matching, lambdas and ADTs in much depth.

So, here we’re going to give it a go. The plan is that we start with an entirely working but tiny language, get it all working, and then as we add features to the language, we’ll also add a typechecker and introduce more LLVM concepts. The source code for the whole working calculator, along with a basic repl, can be found at llvm-calc.

Our language

The first iteration of our language is going to be the most basic of calculators. Here is a valid program in our language:

1 + 2 * (1 + 100) - 100

Here are the datatypes for our language. We will use this to represent our programs internally.

data Expr ann
  = -- | An integer value
    EPrim ann Int
  | -- | Two values combined with an operator
    EInfix ann Op (Expr ann) (Expr ann)
  deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

-- | Operators for combining integers
data Op = OpAdd | OpMultiply | OpSubtract
  deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)

Here’s some example values:

-- | the number `1`
one :: Expr ()
one = EPrim () 1

-- | the expression `2 + 3`
twoPlusTwo :: Expr ()
twoPlusTwo = EInfix () OpAdd (EPrim () 2) (EPrim () 3)

We call datatypes like Expr Abstract Syntax Trees (or ASTs).

You may notice the ann type variable. We’ll use this to “decorate” items in our AST. For now, we’ll just use ().

Parsing text into AST terms

Although we could provide our compiler as a Haskell library and ask our users to manually create Expr values for us, it’d be much nicer to be able to read input from a user.

This process is called parsing, and looks something like this:

parseInput :: Text -> Either ParseError (Expr ())

Given some user input, parsing returns either a valid Expr or a (hopefully) helpful error.

The whole parser can be seen here. We’ll not go into too much depth as there are already lots of great references on parsing, but a few details are worth noting:

Which library?

We’ll be using a library called megaparsec. It’s fast, it’s got a great tutorial, and it generates errors that we can render nicely with the diagnose library.

A megaparsec parse error made nice with diagnose

Dealing with whitespace

Although some languages make whitespace meaningful, we won’t be bothering with any of that for now. However we would like to allow our users some flexibility with how they lay out their code. 1+1 and 1 + 1 should mean the same thing. That means we either need a lot of code like this:

parseInfix :: Parser Int
parseInfix = do
  _ <- space0 -- this accepts 0 or more spaces 
  a <- parseInt
  _ <- space0 -- space between number and operator
  op <- parseOp
  <- <- space0 -- space between operator and second number
  b <- parseInt
  pure (Infix op a b)

…or we need a neat way of automating this. megaparsec has a handy thing called a lexeme. This is a sort of rule that says “when eating this value, also eat all the whitespace before it”. When you see myLexeme in the code, this means we’re wrapping a parser with whitespace-eating powers. This is covered in much better detail in the megaparsec tutorial.

Parsing infixes

One problem with parser combinator libraries is that it’s easy to get into an infinite loop. megaparsec has a bunch of useful helpers for this, in particular, support for Operator.

-- | to make infix stuff like easier, `megaparsec` provides
-- the `Operator` type
table :: [[Operator Parser (Expr Annotation)]]
table =
  [ [binary "*" (EInfix mempty OpMultiply)],
    [ binary "+" (EInfix mempty OpAdd),
      binary "-" (EInfix mempty OpSubtract)

A nice part of the the above code is that by putting * in a group before + and -, we have defined operator precidence and so 6 * 1 + 1 equals 7 rather than 12 (which we’d get from 6 * (1 + 1)).

Source code location

You may have noticed the ann type variable in our Expr type. This allows us to “decorate” our AST nodes. In parsing, it’s useful to decorate each node with it’s location in the code.

We use the following datatype for this:

data Annotation = Location Int Int
  deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)

The two Int values are “character number we start at” and “length of the string”. Therefore parsing ” 100” should return:

parseResult :: Expr Annotation
parseResult = EPrim (Location 1 3) 100

We won’t be using these values today as our language is so limited that it’s pretty difficult to break, but as we add multiple types (and thus, the possibility of type errors) we’ll use them to show the user where they did a boo boo.

A simple interpreter

Before we get stuck into LLVM, it’s good to be able to evaluate our language internally. Although it’s pretty clear how this calculator should work, it will be useful to compare our own simple interpreter with the LLVM output as things get more complicated.

You can view the full code here. As you can see, there isn’t very much of it:

interpret ::
  Expr ann ->
  Expr ann
interpret (EPrim ann p) = 
  -- don't do anything with these
  EPrim ann p
interpret (EInfix ann op a b) =
  -- attempt to simplify these 
  interpretInfix ann op a b

interpretInfix ::
  ann ->
  Op ->
  Expr ann ->
  Expr ann ->
  Expr ann
interpretInfix ann OpAdd (EPrim _ a) (EPrim _ b) =
  -- add the int values
  EPrim ann (a + b)
interpretInfix ann OpSubtract (EPrim _ a) (EPrim _ b) =
  -- subtract the int values
  EPrim ann (a - b)
interpretInfix ann OpMultiply (EPrim _ a) (EPrim _ b) =
  -- multiply the int values
  EPrim ann (a * b)
interpretInfix ann op a b = 
  -- one of our arguments isn't yet a number
  -- so simplify the leaves and try again
  interpretInfix ann op (interpret a) (interpret b)

When we see an EInfix value, we look for EPrim values inside and add / subtract / multiply them. If they’re not EPrim values yet, then they must be nested expressions, so we interpret them and try again.

A big calculator

Enough nonsense, let’s do some compiling

Hopefully we understand what our small language is now, so let’s get down to the business of turning it into real life native code.

What is LLVM

LLVM stands for Low Level Virtual Machine. The idea is that higher level languages compile into LLVM, and then LLVM is turned into whatever local version of assembly is required. This means that by using LLVM, your programs will work on lots of architectures without you needing to understand a tremendous amount about them. As somebody who understands pretty much nothing about any processor architecture, this is very appealing indeed. If you need further persuading, Rust, Swift and GHC can all compile to LLVM.

LLVM is part of the clang C compiler, and as a result, it’s very C shaped. It’s got a bunch of number types, structs, and arrays, functions, and enough pointers to have a very bad time.

Our “runtime”

In order to do things our language will need a runtime, This is a bunch of helper code written in something that be compiled to the target language. Because we’ll be compiling using clang, we’ll use C. I don’t know much about C, but what I can tell you is that this file contains a single function called printint, that takes an int and prints it to stdout.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void printint(int i) {
  printf("%d", i);

This is the only C you’ll need to see today. I’m sorry about that. Onwards!

Our first LLVM module

LLVM is organised in modules.

To start us off, here is the IR (Intermediate Representation) for printing the number 42 to stdout.

; ModuleID = 'calc'

declare external ccc i32 @printint(i32)

define external ccc i32 @main()    {
  %1 =  call ccc i32 @printint(i32  42)
  ret i32 0

Let’s take this apart line by line:

; ModuleID = 'calc'

This is a comment. See, LLVM is easy.

declare external ccc i32 @printint(i32)

This declares an external function we’d like to use. In this case it’s the printint function from our standard library defined above. It takes a single argument, an i32, and returns an i32.

define external ccc i32 @main() {

This defines a function called main that takes no arguments and returns a single i32.

The ccc part is the “calling convention”. This defines the manner in which LLVM will generate the function code. There are absolutely loads of these, many designs to optimise specific languages. We’ll keep to ccc for now, but may want to change our minds when we start doing tail calls.

%1 =  call ccc i32 @printint(i32  42)

This line of defines a variable %1, and sets it the result of calling the printint function we imported above. We pass the printint function a single argument, an i32 value of 42. This will print the number 42 to stdout.

ret i32 0

Functions in LLVM must return something (although that thing can be null). This line returns an i32 value of 0. Because this is the main function of our program, this is what will be returned to the operating system as our exit code. 0 means “great job, everything went fine”.


This is a closing curly brace. LLVM is like C, we have to specifically end our functions. No great hardship though.

Compiling and running our hand-baked module

To check that the code above does what we say it does, and to check we’ve got everything installed that we need, let’s write the LLVM to a file called module.ll, the C code to runtime.c, and then compile it using clang.

clang -Wno-override-module -lm module.ll runtime.c -o a.out 

This should output an executable called a.out. If we run it, we should see this:



Compiling our programming language to LLVM

OK. So now we’ve had a taste of the raw power available to us, let’s get down to business. Although we could just create raw LLVM IR by hand, instead we will use the following libraries:

llvm-hs-pure - a set of types for LLVM IR, along with some helpful building functions.

llvm-hs-pretty - a prettyprinter for llvm-hs-pure.

We’ll use the datatypes in llvm-hs-pure to create modules, then use llvm-hs-pretty to render these to files and then compile by hand. This means that when we invariably generate LLVM errors, we’ll at least we able to look at the error and reference the code we’ve given it to try and work out what went wrong.

Shut up and show me some Haskell code

The whole module can be seen here, but let’s look at the highlights:

primToLLVM :: Int -> LLVM.Operand
primToLLVM i = LLVM.int32 (fromIntegral i)

This function creates integer literals from our EPrim constructors, using the int32 function. This returns an Operand (an LLVM value, broadly) that we can pass to other LLVM functions. We’ll expand this function to include more types as we need them.

exprToLLVM ::
  ( LLVM.MonadIRBuilder m,
    LLVM.MonadModuleBuilder m
  ) =>
  Expr ann ->
  m LLVM.Operand
exprToLLVM (EPrim _ prim) = 
  pure $ primToLLVM prim
exprToLLVM (EInfix _ OpAdd a b) = do
  lhs <- exprToLLVM a
  rhs <- exprToLLVM b
  LLVM.add lhs rhs
exprToLLVM (EInfix _ OpSubtract a b) = do
  lhs <- exprToLLVM a
  rhs <- exprToLLVM b
  LLVM.sub lhs rhs
exprToLLVM (EInfix _ OpMultiply a b) = do
  lhs <- exprToLLVM a
  rhs <- exprToLLVM b
  LLVM.mul lhs rhs

Here we compile our Expr into and take care of adding / subtracting / multiplying integers.

Because we’re using the MonadIRBuilder and MonadModuleBuilder, it’s almost as if we’re writing code to do the interpreting by hand, as all the actual code output is plumbed away in the monad. If you squint, it looks very similar to the interpreter we wrote earlier, so if you understand that, you pretty much understand this.

-- | given our `Expr` type, turn it into an LLVM module
toLLVM :: Expr ann -> LLVM.Module
toLLVM expr =
  LLVM.buildModule "example" $ do
    -- import `printint` from our standard library
    -- it takes an `i32` and returns an `i32`
    printInt <- LLVM.extern "printint" [LLVM.i32] LLVM.i32

    -- create a function called `main` that will be the entry point to our
    -- program
    LLVM.function "main" [] LLVM.i32 $ \_ -> do
      -- build the LLVM AST for our expression
      ourExpression <- exprToLLVM expr

      -- print our result to stdout
      _ <- printInt [(ourExpression, [])]

      -- return success exit code of `0`
      LLVM.ret (LLVM.int32 0)

Finally, we wrap up our compiled Expr and turn it into a module. We are going to import printint from our standard library, output the response of our computation to stdout, and then return exit code 0.

Let’s look at the generated LLVM for 6 * 8 - 3:

; ModuleID = 'example'

declare external ccc i32 @printint(i32)

define external ccc i32 @main() {
  %1 = mul   i32 6, 8
  %2 = sub   i32 %1, 3
  %3 =  call ccc  i32  @printint(i32  %2)
  ret i32 0

Hopefully, nothing too surprising.

Running our code

As with earlier, our little compiler works by pretty printing the LLVM module we created, then running clang to compile it into an executable. I pretty much stole the compiling code from Micro-C (thanks/sorry, Joseph!). You can see our slightly tattered version here if for some reason you don’t believe any of this actually works.

Well that’s that

Congratulations, you are all low-level compiler experts now. Hopefully that was somewhat helpful. Next time we’ll be adding the equality operator and some basic control flow. Exciting!

Make sense? If not, get in touch!

Further reading:

llvm reference
