Compiling a functional language to LLVM, part 2

Posted on February 23, 2023

Welcome to part 2 of this series in compiling functional languages to LLVM. In part 1 we created a very simple calculator that let us add, subtract and multiply integers like 1 + 1 or 6 * (5 - 2).

Today we’re going to spice things up a touch by adding some basic control flow. By the end of today we’re going to be writing sweet syntax such as:

2 + 2 == 5

if 6 == 6 then False else True

What’s new then?

To make our dreams come true, we’re going to two new syntactic features:

  • if expressions

  • an == infix operator

Let’s do that now!

-- | operators for combining expressions
data Op
  = OpAdd
  | OpMultiply
  | OpSubtract
  | OpEquals -- this is new! 
  deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Expressions, decorated with some unknown `ann`
data Expr ann
  = EPrim ann Prim -- this `Prim` used to always be `Int`
  | EInfix ann Op (Expr ann) (Expr ann)
  | EIf ann (Expr ann) (Expr ann) (Expr ann) -- this is new!
  deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

Our EIf constructor takes three Expr ann as arguments. The first is the predicate, ie, the thing that must evaluate to True or False, and the other two are expressions to be evaluated on the then and else branches. For all of this to make any sense, these will need to be the same type.


Previously we sort of glossed over the idea of types, because every value in our calculator was either an Integer (ie, 1, 42) or an expression that would eventually evaluate into an Integer (like 1 + 1, 6 * 12).

However, the expression 1 == 1 doesn’t resolve to an Integer, it can only be True or False, ie a Boolean type. (it is true that we could express this with an Integer but if we start cutting corners this early in the game we’ll never get anywhere). This means we’ll need to extend our Prim type to also describe Boolean values as well as Integers.

-- | types of basic values
data Prim
  = PInt Integer
  | PBool Bool
  deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)

However this means we are in danger of our users being able to make silly mistakes like if 27 then False else 6? How can we stop this? This can only mean one thing: we are going to need to write a bidirectional type checker.

Bidirect what?

A bidirectional type checker is a way of working which types parts of an expression has, and identifying parts that don’t make sense. What makes it “bidirectional” is that it works in two “modes”:

  • infer mode: given an expression, give me the type
  • check mode: given an expression and the type we think it has, give me the type

The broad idea is when we don’t know anything about an expression, we infer what types it has, but as we learn more, we use that information to help us work the rest out. Although we could arguably get away with just an infer mode for a language this simple, we will need this special two-way magic in future.

Enough waffle, let’s see some code, and then talk about it.


Firstly, we need a type for types. We’ll call it Type. We are adding an ann type argument to it, so that we can attach source code locations etc. This will be helpful for showing our user helpful errors, which we will be doing today:

data TypePrim = TBool | TInt
  deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- the `ann` is used to attach source code location etc
data Type ann
  = TPrim ann TypePrim
  deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor)

Things go wrong

Any old typechecker can tell you when things are going well, but the ones that are really worth their salt are the ones that tell you helpfully what is going wrong. We will need these ones:

data TypeError ann
  = PredicateIsNotBoolean ann (Type ann)
  | InfixTypeMismatch Op [(Type ann, Type ann)]
  | TypeMismatch (Type ann) (Type ann)
  deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)

The meat of the thing

Therefore, the point of the typechecker is to take Expr ann (ie, an Expr carrying around some ann that does not concern us), and turn it into either TypeError ann or Expr (Type ann).

Expr (Type ann) means that we’ll have “decorated” each part of the Expr with it’s type. We’ll take whatever ann was in there and put it in the Type instead. For example:

oneWhichIsAnInteger :: Expr (Type ())
oneWhichIsAnInteger = EPrim (TPrim () TInt) (PInt 1)

The entire typechecker lives here. Let’s go through the key parts:

-- | this is the function we run
elaborate :: Expr ann -> Either (TypeError ann) (Expr (Type ann))
elaborate = infer -- start with `infer` because we know nothing

elaborate is the function the typechecker exports. It takes an untypechecked Expr ann and returns either Expr (Type ann) or an excuse. It starts by running infer, which we’ll see shortly.

typeFromPrim :: ann -> Prim -> Type ann
typeFromPrim ann (PInt _) = TPrim ann TInt -- It's an Integer!
typeFromPrim ann (PBool _) = TPrim ann TBool -- It's a Boolean!

The most basic type inference we can do is looking at a primitive value. As it stands in our language, there is one number type and one boolean type, so we can unambiguously work out the type just by looking at the value.

inferIf :: ann -> Expr ann -> Expr ann -> Expr ann -> Either (TypeError ann) (Expr (Type ann))
inferIf ann predExpr thenExpr elseExpr = do
  predA <- infer predExpr
  case getOuterAnnotation predA of
    (TPrim _ TBool) -> pure ()
    otherType -> throwError (PredicateIsNotBoolean ann otherType)
  thenA <- infer thenExpr
  elseA <- check (getOuterAnnotation thenA) elseExpr
  pure (EIf (getOuterAnnotation elseA) predA thenA elseA)

This is how if works. We infer the type of the predicate, then use getOuterAnnotation to get the Type ann out of it. We then case match on it to see if it’s a Boolean or not, “throwing” an error if not.

inferInfix ::
  ann ->
  Op ->
  Expr ann ->
  Expr ann ->
  Either (TypeError ann) (Expr (Type ann))
inferInfix ann OpEquals a b = do
  elabA <- infer a
  elabB <- infer b
  ty <- case (getOuterAnnotation elabA, getOuterAnnotation elabB) of
    (TPrim _ tA, TPrim _ tB)
      | tA == tB ->
          -- if the types are the same, then great! it's a bool!
          pure (TPrim ann TBool)
    (otherA, otherB) ->
      -- otherwise, error!
      throwError (TypeMismatch otherA otherB)
  pure (EInfix ty OpEquals elabA elabB)

When typechecking ==, we want to make sure both sides have the same type, “throwing” an error if not.

inferInfix ann op a b = do
  elabA <- infer a
  elabB <- infer b
  -- all the other infix operators need to be Int -> Int -> Int
  ty <- case (getOuterAnnotation elabA, getOuterAnnotation elabB) of
    (TPrim _ TInt, TPrim _ TInt) ->
      -- if the types are the same, then great! it's an int!
      pure (TPrim ann TInt)
    (TPrim _ TInt, other) ->
        ( InfixTypeMismatch
            [ ( TPrim (getOuterTypeAnnotation other) TInt,
    (other, TPrim _ TInt) ->
        ( InfixTypeMismatch
            [ ( TPrim (getOuterTypeAnnotation other) TInt,
    (otherA, otherB) ->
      -- otherwise, error!
        ( InfixTypeMismatch
            [ (TPrim (getOuterTypeAnnotation otherA) TInt, otherA),
              (TPrim (getOuterTypeAnnotation otherB) TInt, otherB)
  pure (EInfix ty op elabA elabB)

Here are the other operators. Both the arguments should be Integer and the return type is Integer, otherwise we construct and return an error type. It seems like a lot of work to be so specific, but look how helpful our errors are!

Surely not?

You can see all the error rendering code here.

infer :: Expr ann -> Either (TypeError ann) (Expr (Type ann))
infer (EPrim ann prim) =
  pure (EPrim (typeFromPrim ann prim) prim)
infer (EIf ann predExpr thenExpr elseExpr) =
  inferIf ann predExpr thenExpr elseExpr
infer (EInfix ann op a b) =
  inferInfix ann op a b

That’s how we put infer together, easy!

check :: Type ann -> Expr ann -> Either (TypeError ann) (Expr (Type ann))
check ty expr = do
  exprA <- infer expr
  if void (getOuterAnnotation exprA) == void ty
    then pure (expr $> ty)
    else throwError (TypeMismatch ty (getOuterAnnotation exprA))

Lastly, here’s check. We only use it when comparing arms of if statements, but soon this will become more interesting.

You can see all of the typechecker code here.

Interpreting our new friends

Before heading back into LLVM land, let’s update our manual interpreter so we can understand what’s needed here.

Firstly, it’s now possible that our interpreter can fail. This will only happen if our typechecker is not working as expected, but we should make a proper error type for it anyway because we are good programmers who care about our users.

data InterpreterError ann
  = NonBooleanPredicate ann (Expr ann)
  deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)

Interpreting infix expressions is a little bit more complicated, as our pattern matches have to make sure we’re looking at the right Prim values. The eagle-eyed may notice that a broken typechecker could send this into a loop. Can you see where?

interpretInfix ::
  (MonadError (InterpreterError ann) m) =>
  ann ->
  Op ->
  Expr ann ->
  Expr ann ->
  m (Expr ann)
interpretInfix ann OpAdd (EPrim _ (PInt a)) (EPrim _ (PInt b)) =
  pure $ EPrim ann (PInt $ a + b)
interpretInfix ann OpSubtract (EPrim _ (PInt a)) (EPrim _ (PInt b)) =
  pure $ EPrim ann (PInt $ a - b)
interpretInfix ann OpMultiply (EPrim _ (PInt a)) (EPrim _ (PInt b)) =
  pure $ EPrim ann (PInt $ a * b)
interpretInfix ann OpEquals (EPrim _ a) (EPrim _ b) =
  pure $ EPrim ann (PBool $ a == b)
interpretInfix ann op a b = do
  iA <- interpret a
  iB <- interpret b
  interpretInfix ann op iA iB

We ended up with a MonadError constraint above - why’s that? It’s because the main interpret function can now “explode” if we try and match a non-predicate in an if statement. Our typechecker should stop this happening of course.

-- | just keep reducing the thing until the smallest thing
interpret ::
  ( MonadError (InterpreterError ann) m
  ) =>
  Expr ann ->
  m (Expr ann)
interpret (EPrim ann p) = pure (EPrim ann p)
interpret (EInfix ann op a b) =
  interpretInfix ann op a b
interpret (EIf ann predExpr thenExpr elseExpr) = do
  predA <- interpret predExpr
  case predA of
    (EPrim _ (PBool True)) -> interpret thenExpr
    (EPrim _ (PBool False)) -> interpret elseExpr
    other -> throwError (NonBooleanPredicate ann other)

We interpret if statements by reducing the predicate down to a boolean, then taking a peek, and then interpreting the appropriate branch. If we don’t need a branch, there’s no need to interpret it!

You can see all of the interpreter code here.

OK, LLVM time

I feel like I’m rushing through all this, and maybe copy pasta-ing an entire typechecker in the preamble was somewhat undisclined of me.

BUT, here we go.


Firstly, we’ll add a new function to our C “standard library”:

void printbool(int b) {
  printf(b ? "True" : "False");

It will take an LLVM boolean, and print either True or False depending on whether it is 0 or not.

To the IR!

We’re going to start by looking at the LLVM IR for the following arbitrary expression:

if 2 == 1 then True else False 
; ModuleID = 'example'

declare external ccc  void @printbool(i1)

define external ccc  i32 @main()    {
  %1 = icmp eq i32 2, 1
  %2 = alloca i1
  br i1 %1, label %then_0, label %else_0
  store   i1 1, i1* %2
  br label %done_0
  store   i1 0, i1* %2
  br label %done_0
  %3 = load   i1, i1* %2
   call ccc  void  @printbool(i1  %3)
  ret i32 0

What a ride! Let’s take it line by line.

; ModuleID = 'example'

Once again, let’s ease ourselves in with a code comment.

declare external ccc  void @printbool(i1)

Declaration for the new function in our standard library. It takes an i1 (a boolean, stored as 0 or 1) and returns void.

define external ccc  i32 @main()    {

We define the main function, which is the entry point of our program. It takes no arguments, and returns an i32 integer value (which becomes the exit code).

%1 = icmp eq i32 2, 1

Here we are making a new variable, %1, by comparing two integers, 2 and 1, using eq. This is our 2 == 1 expression, and maps across quite neatly.

%2 = alloca i1

To make control flow works, we are going to need to jump to different places. However, LLVM has no way of passing a value back between sections. Therefore, we are going to create a mutable placeholder for the result, and each branch will be responsible for storing the result here. alloca is broadly “allocate memory” and i1 is the LLVM type for a Boolean.

br i1 %1, label %then_0, label %else_0

This is where we do the branching. br takes an i1 value for the predicate, and then two labels for blocks that we’ll jump to depending on the value of the predicate. Therefore if %1 is 1 we’ll jump to then_0, otherwise we’ll jump to else_0. We’ll define these shortly.

  store   i1 1, i1* %2
  br label %done_0

This defines a block labelled then_0. We will “jump” here in the “then” case of the if statement. We store 1 in the %2 variable, and then jump to the done_0 block.

  store   i1 0, i1* %2
  br label %done_0

This defines a block labelled else_0. We will “jump” here in the “else” case. Once again, we store 0 in the %2 variable, and then jump to done_0.

  %3 = load   i1, i1* %2

This introduces a new block called done_0. As our if construct is an expression, we always need to return something, so ee jump here when the then or expr branches are finishing doing their business, and load whatever they stored in %2.

call ccc  void  @printbool(i1  %3)

Call the printbool function from our standard library with the loaded value.

ret i32 0

As our program succeeded, we return a 0, this becomes our exit code.


As a little palette cleanser, a nice closing brace.

Generating it from Haskell

Now we have Boolean as well as Integer values, we’ll need to represent them in LLVM. We’ll use a bit which is a 1-bit LLVM number to represent Booleans.

primToLLVM :: Prim -> LLVM.Operand
primToLLVM (PInt i) = LLVM.int32 (fromIntegral i)
primToLLVM (PBool True) = LLVM.bit 1
primToLLVM (PBool False) = LLVM.bit 0

Now we’ll need to choose the right printing function:

-- import the correct output function from our standard library
-- depending on the output type of our expression
printFunction :: (LLVM.MonadModuleBuilder m) => Type ann -> m LLVM.Operand
printFunction (TPrim _ TInt) = LLVM.extern "printint" [LLVM.i32] LLVM.void
printFunction (TPrim _ TBool) = LLVM.extern "printbool" [LLVM.i1] LLVM.void

The most interesting part is if expressions. We use the RecursiveDo extension, which gives us the mdo syntax. This lets us use bindings before they are created. This will allow us to use thenBlock and elseBlock before they’re defined. We create IR for the predExpr, then pass it to LLVM.condBr, which will then jump to the appropriate block depending on the value.

ifToLLVM ::
  (LLVM.MonadIRBuilder m, LLVM.MonadModuleBuilder m, MonadFix m) =>
  Type ann ->
  Expr (Type ann) ->
  Expr (Type ann) ->
  Expr (Type ann) ->
  m LLVM.Operand
ifToLLVM tyReturn predExpr thenExpr elseExpr = mdo
  -- create IR for predicate
  irPred <- exprToLLVM predExpr

  -- make variable for return value
  irReturnValue <- LLVM.alloca (typeToLLVM tyReturn) Nothing 0

  -- this does the switching
  -- we haven't created these blocks yet but RecursiveDo lets us do this with
  -- MonadFix magic
  LLVM.condBr irPred thenBlock elseBlock

  -- create a block for the 'then` branch
  thenBlock <- LLVM.block `LLVM.named` "then"
  -- create ir for the then branch
  irThen <- exprToLLVM thenExpr
  -- store the result in irResultValue irReturnValue 0 irThen
  -- branch back to the 'done' block doneBlock

  -- create a block for the 'else' branch
  elseBlock <- LLVM.block `LLVM.named` "else"
  -- create ir for the else branch
  irElse <- exprToLLVM elseExpr
  -- store the result in irReturnValue irReturnValue 0 irElse
  -- branch back to the `done` block doneBlock

  -- create a block for 'done' that we always branch to
  doneBlock <- LLVM.block `LLVM.named` "done"
  -- load the result and return it
  LLVM.load irReturnValue 0

To work out which kind of type to alloca, we take the return type and use it to work which LLVM type to use.

typeToLLVM :: Type ann -> LLVM.Type
typeToLLVM (TPrim _ TBool) = LLVM.i1
typeToLLVM (TPrim _ TInt) = LLVM.i32

You can see all of the LLVM conversion code here.

Well that’s that

Congratulations, you are all bidirectional type checking experts now. Hopefully that was somewhat helpful. Next time we’ll be adding basic functions and variables. Great!

Make sense? If not, get in touch!

Further reading:

llvm reference
